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News Columns

Barrick’s legacy alive in lectures

Following a nine-month hiatus, UNLV’s Barrick Lecture Series is back. The first address under UNLV President Len Jessup’s watch was delivered Tuesday by writer and CNN host Fareed Zakaria.

UNLV president plans to revive Barrick Lecture Series

Based on how the late Marjorie Barrick’s wishes to keep the Barrick Lecture Series going strong after her death and how the lectures have been allowed to languish, I’m not sure I’d give the UNLV Foundation millions. Presuming I had millions.

Fewer students now the norm in U.S. law schools

People ask what makes a worthy column for me. Often, it’s when I mutter, “Huh? I didn’t know that.”

Plagiarism allegations hound Nevada higher ed

Call it a tale of two cases of plagiarism within Nevada’s higher education system. And two is too many.

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