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2019 Legislature

Bill that would have rewritten Nevada water laws dies

Despite the breakdown in negotiations that led to the bill’s demise Friday, a key deadline in the Nevada Legislature for bills not declared exempt to pass the second house, stakeholders plan to work together to hash out potential water policy changes.

Nevada may join states’ effort to elect popular vote winner

Nevada could soon become the latest to pledge to give its Electoral College votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the national popular vote, even if another candidate gets the most votes in the state.

Legislature moves to restore felons’ voting rights after release

A bill that would restore voting rights to felons in Nevada is on its way to Gov. Steve Sisolak’s desk, after the state Senate approved the measure on a party-line vote Wednesday.

Nevada Legislature gets first look at new schools funding plan

The Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, which was unveiled last week, calls for a complete rewrite of the state’s current funding formula.

Nevada lawmakers take small steps to adequately fund education

The past week in Carson City taught us that you can’t promise the world without the tools to deliver. And so far, Nevada lawmakers don’t have the funds to fix public education.

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