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Voter anger

Making your voice heard

Higher taxes, adjustments in retirement rules for state workers, a governor with a veto pen. These are just some of the issues lawmakers face as they try to wrap up the 2009 session. If you have any thoughts on those or other matters and would like to share them with your representatives in Carson City,here’s a contact list for all the Southern Nevada legislators.

Done with another quick fix

State lawmakers wrapped up another budget-balancing special session Monday night by warning taxpayers that they are out of duct tape and bailing wire — that they cannot possibly reduce spending by another dime if tax revenues continue their nosedive.

Snippets from the special session

The notebook sure filled up with small stuff during the crammed 12-hour special session last week. So I’ll dump out some of the more interesting items that didn’t make it online or into my Sunday column. First, here are three “You Know You’re in Carson City When … ” items.