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House OKs bill encouraging girls to explore computer science careers

Legislation to encourage young girls to explore careers in computer science — and push early childhood learning in science, technology, engineering and math — passed the House on Tuesday.

Teacher evaluation process evolving in Nevada

The scoring scheme used to rate the performance of educators in Nevada should not change this year in order to bring an element of consistency to a system that’s been in perpetual flux, an advisory group says.

Clark County gets $34.2M to help lagging students

Nevada’s biggest school district will get $34.2 million this year to help poor students or those learning English stay on track academically — all but $1.8 million of the funding allocated by the Legislature.

Clark County teachers celebrate ruling in salary system dispute

Decision by the Employee-Management Relations Board means the school district’s thousands of teachers will not face more stringent requirements in order to qualify for salary bumps.

NSHE search for chancellor may stall until the fall

John Valery White, the interim chancellor for the state’s higher education system, was noncommittal Thursday on whether he would be interested in taking over the post permanently.