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US streets calmest in days; protests largely peaceful

By Wednesday morning, arrests had grown to more than 9,000 nationwide since the vandalism, arson and shootings erupted around the U.S. in reaction to George Floyd’s death May 25.

Trump decries ‘lowlifes’ as violence in US intensifies

As cities around the U.S. witnessed a seventh straight night of both peaceful demonstrations and bursts of theft, vandalism and attacks on police, the president amplified his hard-line calls of a day earlier, in which he threatened to send in the military to restore order if governors didn’t do it.

Jarring scene in Lafayette Park near White House — PHOTOS

The scene was jarring: Police violently broke up a peaceful and legal protest by several thousands in Lafayette Park across from the White House ahead of a speech in the Rose Garden by President Donald Trump.

Law gives presidents leeway to use military for domestic actions

Legal experts say the president does indeed have the authority under the Insurrection Act of 1807 to dispatch the military in states that are unable to put down an insurrection or are defying federal law.

Law-and-order Trump versus protesters, violence

Hours after President Donald Trump posed with a Bible and vowed to deploy the military to “dominate the streets,” American cities were engulfed in more violence and destruction, overshadowing peaceful protests demanding justice after generations of racism.

Nearly 26K nursing home COVID-19 deaths reported to feds

Federal health authorities have received reports of nearly 26,000 nursing home residents dying from COVID-19, according to materials prepared for the nation’s governors. That number is partial and likely to go higher.

Trump took shelter in White House bunker as protests raged

Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker on Friday night as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades.

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