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John Kelly, whose son died in combat, defends Trump’s call to widow

White House chief of staff John Kelly defended President Donald Trump’s phone call to the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger, and he said he was stunned that a Florida congresswoman had listened to the call and criticized the remarks.

Voting fraud panel starts first meeting at White House

President Donald Trump warned Wednesday about the dangers of voter fraud but told a panel he launched to study the issue that it should follow the facts wherever they lead, and that “no conclusions” have been drawn about what they will find.

Supreme Court grants Trump strict enforcement of refugee ban

The Supreme Court is granting the Trump administration’s request to more strictly enforce its ban on refugees, at least until a federal appeals court weighs in.

Anthony Weiner pleads guilty in ‘sexting’ case

Former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner on Friday pleaded guilty in federal court to sending sexually explicit messages to a teenage girl, ending an investigation into a “sexting” scandal that played a role in last year’s U.S. presidential election.

North Korean missiles could reach Las Vegas, experts say

While North Korea has long claimed to have the ability to strike the U.S. mainland with its missiles, Western military experts have mostly scoffed. They aren’t anymore.

George H.W. Bush extends hospital stay

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush will spend at least another day at a Houston hospital where he is under observation while recovering from his second bout of pneumonia in three months.

Host Bill O’Reilly out at Fox News

Fox News has decided to part ways with star host Bill O’Reilly following allegations of sexual harassment, New York magazine reported on Wednesday, citing anonymous sources briefed on the discussions.

Trump says Iran complying with Obama-negotiated nuclear deal

The Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, and says the U.S. has extended the sanctions relief given to the Islamic republic in exchange for curbs on its atomic program.