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EDITORIAL: A worthwhile slippery slope

The omnibus bill passed by Congress last month was filled with all the dreck one would expect from the federal government's budget process.

The $1.1 trillion spending package contained more than 2,000 pages. How many lawmakers do you think could honestly say they read and understood all elements of the bill, especially when they were up against a tight deadline and trying to break away for the holidays?

Furthermore, the Daily Signal reported that among other things, the bill included funding for the ridiculous "waters of the United States rule" brought forth by the EPA, even though the Government Accountability Office ruled the EPA broke the law in developing the regulation. The bill also extended government subsidies on renewable energy, rather than forcing that sector to prove it can compete in the open marketplace. Obamacare taxes on medical devices and "Cadillac" health insurance plans were delayed until after the bill's namesake, President Barack Obama, is out of office.

As if nearly $19 trillion of federal debt weren't enough, this bill adds another half-trillion dollars to that total.

But at least Congress got one thing right: allowing sledders on Capitol Hill. Last winter, police officers tried enforcing a law against sledding at the popular public site. This past weekend's blizzard brought out people of all ages on all types of equipment, with nary a citation in sight. The Independent Journal reported that's because House appropriators added a small provision to the bill that legalized sledding on Capitol Hill.

The cost to do so: nothing. If only Congress could find more ways to give us more freedom without spending more money.

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