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LETTERS: And the debt just keeps on growing

To the editor:

In his letter to the editor, David Adams asks if anyone recalls when President Bill Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich worked together to achieve a balanced budget (“Minus more revenue, debt here to stay,” Saturday Review-Journal).

Unfortunately, this year there were too many RINO Republicans and Democrats who voted to raise the debt ceiling for the 82nd time in our country’s history.

President George W. Bush spent like a drunken sailor, and President Barack Obama continues to spend like an aircraft carrier full of drunken sailors.

Many of us don’t consider Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan to be conservative at all. He wants deficit spending for another 10 years to achieve a balanced budget. The problem with 10 more years of deficit spending is that we will then be approaching $27 trillion in national debt. That problem can’t be solved by raising taxes, because Washington spends all of that and borrows more. Government keeps growing in size, instead of shrinking.

Mr. Adams was right when he said there are no easy solutions, and every time we raise the debt ceiling, the solutions become more difficult.

This will all come to a head at some point. I don’t know if it will be when our debt reaches $20 trillion or $30 trillion. But at some point, when the Federal Reserve trots out each month to sell our bonds, people and other countries will cease to purchase them because they have finally figured out we can’t repay them.



Responsible spending

To the editor:

In response to David Adams’ letter (“Minus more revenue, debt here to stay,” Saturday Review-Journal), Mr. Adams gives President Bill Clinton credit for balancing the budget and criticizes President George W. Bush for running up debt

Can he not find criticism for President Barack Obama’s $7 trillion torpedo job with his hands firmly on the controls?

Missing in Mr. Adams’ letter is any suggestion of cutting back spending to help reduce debt. A liberal’s mind says keep up the spending, but tax more. If you are used to eating out once a week and the cost of living goes up, but your wages don’t, a responsible person would eat out every other week. The government wants to eat out every week, and if the cost goes up, put it on a credit card.



Saluting Smith, princess

To the editor:

What a tribute to Nevada women that John L. Smith should choose Paiute princess Sarah Winnemucca to honor in his Sunday column, as he recognized the inception of the Nevada Sesquicentennial (“Paiute princess’ courage inspiring”). Of the myriad topics that this esteemed journalist could have chosen, this one speaks highly of him, in my opinion. After all, many early writings about Nevada failed to recognize that women indeed resided in the 36th state.

Mr. Smith also deserves recognition for his mention of Ms. Winnemucca’s biographer, UNR professor Sally Zanjani, and of Benjamin Victor’s bronze sculpture of the Native American woman, which is located in Washington, D.C., and has a replica in Carson City. The daughter of Chief Winnemucca definitely made a difference for her own people, for the women of Nevada and for humanity in general.



Motorcycle safety

To the editor:

Regarding Lee Brand’s Oct. 25 letter (“Motorcycle accidents”), as a former motorcycle rider of 30 years, I think I have good insight on what the problems are, and though they are simple to define, there isn’t a simple solution.

From my experience, many car drivers think of motorcycles as bicycles and believe motorcycles don’t move as fast as cars. Also, drivers of today are much different than those back in 1973, when I first starting riding. I am now 70 years old, and I stopped riding 10 years ago because people just do not give a darn. Drivers, even police officers in their cruisers, make lane changes and turns without signaling. Many drivers will turn in front of a motorcyclist in broad daylight. How the heck can you not see us? Car drivers should have their full attention on the road and what is around them.

Putting flashing lights on motorcycles isn’t going to change anything. People have to change their way of thinking and take driving seriously, and police need to cite car drivers who do not give the right of way to motorcyclists.



Anger management

To the editor:

In response to the Sparks Middle School shooting:

Our middle schools and high schools need to immediately mandate that every student is participating in an anger management class. Some parents are not only working a full-time job, but also working part-time, as well. This means that the student frequently is left alone, with no adult supervision.

Anger management is not new. Frequently, it’s been part of the physical education curriculum.



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