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LETTERS: Obamacare exemptions for everyone

To the editor:

When Obamacare was making its way through Congress, Rep. Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” Well, after more than 2,000 pages that no one in Congress read, there are now thousands of added pages — regulations which have the same power as the original law. The complexity is so great that I personally believe no single person truly comprehends the law.

Far too many Americans are apathetic about this, or perhaps overwhelmed is a better description. It seems clear to me that all of us should pay careful attention to those who are mouthing the old mantra, “Don’t tax you; don’t tax me. Tax that man behind the tree.” High on the list is Congress. They want no part of the law that they would impose on us. They want — and have been granted — special subsidies to pay their premiums.

Hundreds of other groups, many of them labor unions, have appealed to the Obama administration for exemptions from the law. Many of these exemptions have been granted. That leaves us poor peons, who are expected to obediently say, “How much do you feel is my fair share?”

I firmly believe that we should all ask the question: “If they are excluded, why not me, too?”



Reid doesn’t compromise

To the editor:

Thank you for your Wednesday editorial (“Health care crisis”). However, asking Sen. Harry Reid to consider the Republican ideas won’t begin to move the Senate majority leader.

This year, in all the debates and discussions surrounding Obamacare, Sen. Reid exposed his true self, and his arrogance has superseded his ego. Unfortunately, the word “compromise” is not in his vocabulary. I’m sure we all hope Sen. Reid comes to his senses and moves forward in a positive direction. But I’m not holding my breath.



Taxes and energy

To the editor:

Although Nevada’s jobless rate still leads the nation, the combined hospitality, gaming and tourism industry — our state’s major economic engine — has been trending upward. But that could change if fuel prices rise as a result of proposals before Congress.

President Barack Obama and his allies — including Nevada Sen. Harry Reid — have long sought to raise taxes on oil and gas producers by ending tax incentives that favor these businesses. Higher taxes on energy companies mean higher prices at the gas pump. That could leave less money in the pockets of Nevada consumers and slow our state’s still recovering economy.

Each year, Nevada is a destination for millions of visitors to gaming and entertainment venues. Here in the Las Vegas area, we welcome large numbers of RV users and others who visit regional outdoor attractions. These activities generate millions of dollars in revenue and sustain thousands of jobs, but tourism is heavily reliant on affordable fuel.

While high gas prices will not halt tourism and other areas of economic gain in Nevada, it could slow the momentum we count on to achieve growth. Nevadans have worked too hard to revive local economies, and we can’t afford to lose ground to higher fuel prices. No new taxes on energy producers.



Emergency rooms

To the editor:

The Review-Journal’s front-page probe of emergency room use by needy patients fails to address the essence of our problems (“Hospital ads tout patients’ ER use,” Wednesday Review-Journal). Emergency rooms everywhere aren’t what they used to be.

ER patients are still accepted if they arrive by ambulance and are pre-screened. But regardless of facility, it seems like an unsystematic chaos, with several classes of anomalous users simultaneously seeking the same space and attention. Much of this can be attributed to the medical profession not wanting your active ailments in doctors’ offices.

The ER is also the entry point for scheduled surgery and those sent by doctors for special services, and those patients are often delayed while personal history and documents are again reviewed and reentered, even if the information was pre-entered.

The ER is also where really sick or injured people may wait for hours for rationed treatment, regardless of finances. Who knows when or how they might make it through triage and required testing before receiving relief? There is little, if any, monitoring of the waiting room for access into triage and ER, regardless of the facility.

As someone who is entitled and privileged with the best form of Medicare and a 100 percent VA disability, I have run the gamut. Southern Nevada does indeed have some of the best physicians and backup facilities, as well as outstanding specialists, but it is wastefully channeled through bureaucracy and lack of continuity.



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