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LETTERS: Reid quite familiar with untruthfulness

To the editor:

Sen. Harry Reid must think Americans are stupid, or at least his speech writers do. With the cancellation of 6 million health insurance policies because of Obamacare, Sen. Reid’s statement to the effect that those claiming to have been adversely affected are ostensibly liars is, well, stupid. Just because the Koch Brothers fund the production of ads in which victims can tell their stories does not make the stories false.

Whom are we to believe? As far as we know, the women telling their stories are not liars. Unfortunately, Sen. Reid has a long record of making things up out of whole cloth.

Mitt Romney hasn’t paid taxes in 10 years? It’s embarrassing that Sen. Reid didn’t know that everyone knew he couldn’t be telling the truth then. The deficit is coming down by $3 trillion? No, it’s just that it’s going up by only $8 trillion instead of $11 trillion. You can keep your health care policy and your doctor, and the whole thing will cost less? Right, I wonder if his speech writers read Obamacare. The best that can be said for Sen. Reid is that apparently he didn’t read the bill. Yet he waxes on.



Reid’s latest mis-mumble

To the editor:

Sen. Harry Reid has reached a new low. Just when I think he cannot embarrass me anymore for being a Nevada resident, he delivers. Anyone criticizing Obamacare is a liar, Sen. Reid said.

Having spent so much time in Washington, D.C., it is obvious Sen. Reid lives in a parallel universe. I truly feel for his aides every time he stumbles up to a podium to mumble the talking points. It’s total trepidation.

It is way past time for him to take his big-salaried position as a K Street lobbyist, because everyone knows he’ll never come back to Nevada. He is a total embarrassment.



Allegiant article

To the editor:

In response to the Feb. 23 Review-Journal article profiling Allegiant Air in its 15th year, the headline in your print edition “Allegiant joins used-car field” is not just misleading, it’s blatantly wrong. The article states that Allegiant intends to sell used cars from rental car company Enterprise’s fleet. This is not the case. Allegiant has no intention of selling used cars, nor has its management ever made any comments to that effect.

Furthermore, the article goes on with a laundry list of negatively biased observations, with little supporting evidence from interviews, documents or events. Allegiant did in fact offer to speak with the writer of this story, and Allegiant provided robust, detailed answers to 17 in-depth questions from the writer. Far from shying away from answering the tough questions, Allegiant management went above and beyond to offer the Review-Journal candid and thoughtful answers to everything asked.

We are proud to be a growing, thriving company in Las Vegas and strive to be active members of this community, as individuals and as a corporation. We are not afraid of public scrutiny, but we will not tolerate sensationalism. At Allegiant, transparency and accountability are core values. We would hope the Review-Journal could be as transparent in the collection and presentation of facts and be accountable for the inaccuracies it prints.



The writer is president and chief operating officer of Allegiant Travel Co.

School standards

To the editor:

There was a great article about us lowering math standards so that juniors can pass (“High school juniors get pass,” Thursday Review-Journal). Why is the answer to dumb down our kids? Why not make them do the classes over until they understand it?

American schools do not need to keep lowering their standards. We already are low on the curve around the world. Parents should be up in arms about this. People need to stand up and try to guide these kids to do better for themselves.

Kids can’t speak a sentence without using the word “like.” Now we are going to let them go without basic math problem-solving?



Accident policy

To the editor:

Since it was announced that the Metropolitan Police Department was going to quit responding to noninjury car accidents and let the people sort out their own problems (“Police say minor accidents not their concern anymore,” Feb. 25 Review-Journal), something came to my mind, and I wondered if anyone else had the same thought. Since the More Cops tax game didn’t go his way, has Sheriff Doug Gillespie resorted to a little kid’s ploy? Is he taking his ball and going home?

It seems to me that Metro is only asking for trouble. All the taxpayers want is a responsible Police Department, not one trying to cause a lot of confusion and potentially violent situations. I certainly hope someone comes to their senses and stops this ludicrous, juvenile idea before something terrible happens at a minor accident.



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