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LETTERS: Sebelius gets it right on slow drivers

To the editor:

Finally, something on which even I have to agree with columnist Steve Sebelius: making a law to get the slow drivers out of the fast lanes, and another law to move mopeds to the bike lanes (“How about these laws?” July 13 Review-Journal). As a former law enforcement officer, I hold the view — perhaps contrary to some of my colleagues — that speed isn’t the catch-all reason for every crash, although speeding does exacerbate many accidents.

The top two causes of accidents are failure to yield and following too closely. Speed is relative to conditions. While driving 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit on an interstate might not be a problem, that same 5 to 10 mph through a school zone would be disastrous.

That said, I think the police should consider a technique other than chasing speeders all the time. They could utilize an unmarked car system to crack down on the real culprits of the roads. We all know who they are: people driving recklessly to or from work in rush hour, abruptly changing lanes and cutting others off. They are the ones running red lights and rolling through stop signs. They are the ones who seem to always get away with road rage because there is no cop in sight. They are the ones driving under the influence, or the texters, or even the pedestrians who have their noses buried in their phones.

Of course, these people never pull their crazy antics when they see a squad car. So the best way to catch and stop them is for the police to be invisible.



Enough of Harry

To the editor:

How long can we take Sen. Harry Reid? It’s bad enough that great swaths of the country consider Nevada to be some sort of haven for immoral conduct (“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”), but now we must endure having the rest of the country judge us as idiots due to the person we keep electing.

In just the last few months, we have Sen. Reid citing as liars people who have been hurt by Obamacare, casting spurious, racially dividing missiles at the Supreme Court and now putting forth the ludicrous, insane claim that the southern border is secure. One of two things is happening here: Either Sen. Reid proffers these insipid statements to gin up the base of the Democratic Party ( if this is effective, it says all you need to know about liberal voters); or Sen. Reid can no longer deal with reality.

Frankly, I don’t care. This conman or senile senator — take your pick — is a stain on the state of Nevada and a confirmation in the minds of the rest of the nation that Nevada is a wayward, lawless paradise for people who just can’t tell it straight. Do we have any self-respect? Do we have any morals? Will we allow this political predator to make these outrageous statements with the word “Nevada” beneath his name for the foreseeable future?

Sen. Reid will certainly run for re-election — he’s a one-trick political pony. The question for all Nevadans is simple: Do we still have enough self-respect to send Sen. Reid into retirement? Wake up, Nevada, and show the rest of the nation that the circus is no longer in town.



‘America’ a dud movie

To the editor:

I have seen several letters recently that have been extremely critical of Reuters movie critic James Rocchi’s review of “America” (“Sloppily made ‘America’ full of slogans, devoid of real thought,” July 4 Review-Journal). In each of the letters, the writers said that the reviewer’s liberal bias was appalling. It’s strange that the conservative bias demonstrated throughout the film didn’t seem to bother these people. I wonder why.

I also read that “America” had only grossed $8 million during three weeks of release. It sounds like the public has spoken with their box office purchases and have said that the film is a dud.



Hobby Lobby facts

To the editor:

Pauline Kennedy’s letter displays an opinion based not on facts, but a lack of information (“Hobby Lobby ruling,” July 12 Review Journal). Hobby Lobby provides 16 of the Food and Drug Administration’s 20 approved forms of birth control for its employees — just not those four that could potentially abort a fertilized egg.

Ms. Kennedy derides “any woman who would set foot in a Hobby Lobby,” stating such a woman “must not have any pride in herself.” More likely, those who parrot what they hear from uninformed sources, without checking the facts, must not have any pride in themselves.



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