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Boulder City chief got slap on wrist

I was dismayed to read that even though the former Boulder City police chief pleaded guilty, he was fined only $1,000 (“Ex Boulder City police chief pleads guilty in animal shelter scandal,” April 20 Review-Journal). Seriously? Bill Conger paid a fine? Wow, I guess the DA’s office really held him accountable for his criminal actions. Not.

Mr. Conger failed the Boulder City community with his unlawful actions. Mr. Conger failed all the animals that were needlessly destroyed due to the actions of Animal Control Supervisor Mary Jo Frazier. Mr. Conger didn’t perform his duties as the top law enforcement official in Boulder City. He has no credibility. As far as I’m concerned, justice hasn’t been served.

I was also dismayed to read that Mr. Conger’s attorney said his client felt it would be in everybody’s best interest to “get this behind him.” Too bad the owners of all the destroyed animals can’t “get this behind them.”

Mr. Conger’s case is a black eye for the DA’s office.

Marlene Drozd

Las Vegas

Free parking

If the Oakland Raiders move here, I’m not going to any games. Local radio host Mike Pritchard is a big proponent. He says that Las Vegas isn’t a top city without pro sports. Maybe so, but he’s all for the public helping finance the stadium. Why? I’m not a partner.

I don’t want to fight the traffic. I don’t want to pay for parking or concessions. I’d rather watch the games on TV.

Now if Raiders owner Mark Davis gets public financing, then I want a McDonald’s with public financing. I’ll have free parking and instant replays on my burger flippers.

Kipp Altemara

Las Vegas

Sad day

I am so saddened to hear about the resignation of Review-Journal columnist John Smith. Truly, when journalists are told what they may or may not report upon, it gives the readers the feeling that the only news they will be reading is news approved by the newspaper owners. This is truly a very sad day.

Hurrah for John Smith for standing by his principals and his belief in freedom of speech. When will the Review-Journal wake up and realize that readers are becoming fewer and fewer? Why? Because your best columnists are leaving one by one by one.

Ada Marie Jensen

Las Vegas

Selfless service

I am so disappointed that John L. Smith is no longer with the Review-Journal. I have enjoyed his articles for years. He kept a close watch on many a local official and delved into questionable issues. He was far more informative when it came to everyday Vegas and its denizens than any other local journalist.

How weak is the fourth estate in Las Vegas when a highly respected journalist is prohibited from writing articles about certain very influential people? Granted the truth hurts, but if you don’t care to have negative things written about you, then maybe you should change the way you conduct business. I believe that the casino industry wields far too much power in this state. Is Mr. Smith another casualty of this power?

Farewell, Mr. Smith. I laud your integrity and I thank you for all the years of selfless service. I hope to be able to enjoy your work again — and soon.

Dennis White

Las Vegas

Roadway jungle

Two words to describe driving in Las Vegas? Exasperating and scary.

Scary because of those orange/white roadway intruders channeling vehicles into one or two lanes from two or more lanes. They’re everywhere.

Scary also describes a disturbingly large number of drivers who are in such a hurry that they are compelled to get ahead of you, no matter what. There’s the driver in your rear-view mirror sashaying back and forth, trying to find a lane to speed past.

Motorcycles? Equally bad, if not worse.

I wonder if all this has anything to do with the daily articles in the Review-Journal detailing multiple accidents on the roadways, frequently resulting in serious injury or death.

Frank Davenport

Las Vegas

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LETTER: Global warming and timelines

To give perspective, the California Sierra was largely free of permanent snow 700 years ago, but then developed the glaciers that are retreating today.