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Follow money when it comes to wild horses

To the editor:

Regarding the inhumane treatment and abuse of one of Nevada's most beautiful Institutions, its wild horses:

As with so many issues these days, just follow the money. All the years since this atrocity started, I have thought to myself: What is the reason behind this horrible program?

Well, my friends, follow the money.

Our wonderful congressmen have lifted the ban on horses being slaughtered for food. Who would eat these beautiful animals? Most Americans would not dream of it -- no more so than eating the family pet.

So who, then? Well, people in France, Canada and Mexico.

Who will profit from this BLM program? I believe the list will include many. Perhaps cattle ranchers themselves. How many acres of land do these horses occupy? There is not enough room for cattle and horses.

This is very sad to me. My heart aches and makes me sick to my stomach.

Theresa Davis

Las Vegas

Own merits

To the editor:

Clark County and Seattle are the only jurisdictions that use the coroner's inquest system to investigate police killings. In Clark County, it has been used since the 1970s. It has always been controversial, and it has been tweaked numerous times.

Apparently, the ACLU, the NAACP and the Review-Journal won't be satisfied until the shooting officer goes directly to trial.

At this time we have approximately 20 officers on administrative leave until an inquest is held. That number of officers is equal to a whole shift at a Metro substation.

The Clark County Commission should scrap the coroner's inquest procedure and have the district attorney review each shooting and determine whether further investigation is needed. Controversial cases could be presented to a grand jury.

Everyone is up in arms that there are so many police shootings in Clark County. Las Vegas proudly advertises itself as "Sin City" and recently opened a mob museum. We are sending a message that anything goes in Las Vegas.

Most of the deceased persons were under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both.

Each case should be reviewed on its own merits -- period.

Ed Pitchford

Boulder City

Double standard

To the editor:

In his Sunday letter, "The ladies," Steve Horner reminds us why he does not like ladies' night promotions, which he claims are based on hypocrisy and double standards.

But talk about double standards. Mr. Horner seems to forget that women earned -- on average -- 77 percent of what men earned in 2010. This disparity, coupled with the fact that living expenses are the same for both, results in much less discretionary income for women.

Until women receive economic parity, his chauvinistic stance, while not based on hypocrisy, is certainly suspect.

M.C. Mills

Las Vegas

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LETTER: Global warming and timelines

To give perspective, the California Sierra was largely free of permanent snow 700 years ago, but then developed the glaciers that are retreating today.