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Let’s start defending American lives

To the editor:

Is anyone else wondering why the Obama administration is placing more value on the deaths of Syrian citizens than on the deaths of four Americans, one of whom was a United States ambassador? In Syria there have reportedly been more than 100,000 deaths during the civil war, with 1,400 killed by gas attacks. To me, dead is dead, regardless of method.

In Syria, none of the dead were targeted solely for being United States citizens. Yet in Benghazi, the four dead Americans were targeted because they were Americans. I don’t remember anyone being punished for the attack, nor do I remember any retaliation for the attack on the consulate. I do remember that troops available to relieve the attack in Benghazi were told to stand down.

Here it is, almost a year since the Benghazi attack, and no one in the administration has taken responsibility for a lack of response. No one has been fired in the aftermath of the attack. Where are the air raids that would send a message that no one can attack our embassy and kill Americans and get away with it without punishment?

And on our southern border, our government has given guns to the bad guys, and one of our border guards, Brian Terry, was killed by one of those same guns. Where is the outrage from the administration? What group has been punished for using those guns to kill one of our brave border guards?

Oh, I forgot, Mr. Terry was an American, and this administration doesn’t defend Americans. Rather, it only defends those killed fighting in a civil war that does not involve the United States. Wake up Americans. The American way of life as we have always known it is being taken from us, and yet we do nothing about it. It seems to be true that the United States will fall from within and not from an outside force.



Syria and Democrats

To the editor:

Is it just me, or has the war-hating, peace-love generation of left-wing Democrats now turned to warmongers wanting to bomb Syria? I assume most left-wingers are marching to the liberal drumbeat provided by the vitriol-producing MSNBC and the Democratic Party.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Barack Obama seem to be leading this march to war, to kill, maim and destroy. Really?

Whatever happened to peace, love and abhorrence of war among the left-wing minds? Now, they want to bomb a nation? It’s unbelievable that so many can be led away from their core beliefs for the sake of politics. I expected this out of the great unwashed masses of youth that blindly voted for Mr. Obama because they were told to, but for the hard-core liberals of any age to swallow this vitriol and advocate war is simply unbelievable.



Sun downer

To the editor:

I’m not opposed to the existence of the Las Vegas Sun. I do, however, believe that I should have a choice in whether or not I elect to subscribe to it. I currently subscribe to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. I do no subscribe to the Sun, nor do I support its views. Yet for some odd reason, the Sun is delivered to my home.

Why must I receive a newspaper that attacks my faith, values and morals daily? Is it possible to subscribe to the Review-Journal and opt out of receiving the Las Vegas Sun? I would be willing to pay a nominal fee if this option could be made available.

I bear no ill will to the Greenspun family or the Sun. I simply prefer to choose what reading material is permitted in my home. The Sun has made it clear that it opposes my religion and my positions on fiscal responsibility, health care and welfare reform. Unless the Greenspuns want to hear my positions on a daily basis, I don’t understand why I must be subjected to theirs.



Jane Fonda

To the editor:

In response to Joe Marroso’s letter (“Vietnam to blame,” Wednesday Review-Journal), he forgot to mention that President Lyndon Johnson was a Democrat, and he also didn’t mention John F. Kennedy, another Democrat, at all. As far as the traitor Jane Fonda goes, if she didn’t violate allegiance to the United States, then I’m the pope. And yes, I’m a Vietnam-era veteran who agrees with millions of other veterans about Ms. Fonda.



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LETTER: Global warming and timelines

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