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LETTERS: Everson’s holiday cheer aside, charter school site deserves ‘Bah Humbug’

In reference to Patrick Everson's column in Thursday's Review-Journal, I have issues with two of his stances:

Mr. Everson wants to wish me a Merry Christmas; I'll assume he does it with kind feelings and good intentions. It is not my holiday, but over the years, I have learned that it is simply easier to smile and say thank you. He evidently doesn't care that it's not my holiday, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he perhaps extends his wishes with the same casualness as the universal "Have a Nice Day," even though Christmas is far from universal in this country. As he said, it's his column and, of course, he is free to say what he likes.

My second issue is with his defense of the intersection of Green Valley Parkway and Horizon Ridge Parkway in Henderson as a location for a Coral Academy charter school, something we residents of Sun City MacDonald Ranch should consider gifting, to whom I'm not quite sure.

When the members of the Review-Journal editorial board first came out in support of this project, I asked myself why on earth they so strongly favored it, considering it's nowhere near where they live. But I think Mr. Everson offered at least a partial explanation — the site allows the opening of a public school with "no capital expense to taxpayers," something evidently we seniors should embrace.

Mr. Everson does grant that some of our concerns were legitimate: the gridlock congestion at said corner; the coming and going of perhaps 1,000 cars twice a day (1,500 students plus staff, no buses and very few students within walking distance of the location); the fact that the noise of said 1,500 children will depreciate the value of all the senior citizen homes within earshot; the high probability of school dropoffs and pickups spilling into our neighborhoods when parents try to avoid the inevitable backup in the two to four lanes in and out, to say nothing of where they will park when they wait to pick up their children.

There have to be better locations for a school than right next to a development of 2,500 homes with no children under the age of 18, at what is perhaps already one of the busiest intersections in Henderson.

Esther Weinstein


Invincible Trump

I read with great interest the column by Kathleen Parker, "Why Trump's numbers are understated," in Sunday's Review-Journal.

I read a similar article highlighting the fact that Donald Trump's polling numbers may be understated, but what really struck a nerve was Ms. Parker's comments in the last few paragraphs relating to her book, "Save the Males." I'm one of those conservative white guys wondering what's become of my country and my identity. Mr. Trump talks about things that trouble me — in particular, political correctness. I'm not particularly fond of the way he expresses how I feel, but he says it.

However, Ms. Parker states it more succinctly. If Mr. Trump could direct his comments in the same manner as Ms. Parker, no one would have a chance at beating him at any level of elections.

Steve Bayliff

Las Vegas

Adelson alarmists

With curiosity and interest, I have been reading the letters bemoaning the purchase of the Review-Journal by Sheldon Adelson.

The common theme is concern that Mr. Adelson's conservatism will cause the newspaper to quickly degenerate into an ultra-conservative rag foisting a vile far-right philosophy on unsuspecting readers. Perhaps he will require employees to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each day, or spend part of their paychecks supporting conservative causes, as the SEIU does for its far-left agendas.

The Review-Journal is still overloaded with items from bastions of liberalism, such as the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, so the liberal readers are not being denied, nor opinions repressed.

Speaking of The Washington Post, I don't recall any teeth-gnashing or cries of concern when liberal multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos bought that paper. Nor any comment when liberal multi-millionaire Arianna Huffington recently denied Huffington Post employees the right to join the Writers Guild of America. All I hear are crickets on the left.

So chill out. Amidst the relentless flood of liberal opinion pieces that pass for journalism these days, it's a relief to enjoy a daily with a fair mix of both sides. And let us be thankful that there is a local daily, so that we don't have to suffer through tripe of USA Today.

Robert Pursell

Las Vegas

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