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LETTERS: GOP convention could look like 1968

As I watch the Republican presidential candidates fight among themselves, I’m reminded of the Democrats in 1968, when the Democratic convention in Chicago turned into riot on the inside and a war on the outside. This could very well happen again, in June at the Republican convention in Cleveland. The GOP could tear itself apart on live television, with angry protesters rioting in the streets.

The Democrats lost the 1968 election mainly because of their dreadful convention in Chicago. Republicans should remember a quote from one of their own, and a great American, Abraham Lincoln: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Just like 40 years ago, many people are angry with the federal government. But why? Almost everyone I see has a smartphone, even though they don’t look that smart. With 310 million people, everyone can’t get what they want. Yet Americans are still the best-fed, best-housed, most-pampered people in history.

This didn’t just happen by chance. Our country is great because millions of our fellow Americans for more than 200 years gave their lives and worked very hard for all of us to enjoy the good life we have today. Like many others today, I’m spoiled, but maybe its time we should

all remember a quote from another great American, John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Cary DeGrosa

Las Vegas

Supporting Trump

Regarding Ron Hirschkind’s letter (“Trump clearly best choice in election,” Wednesday Review-Journal), I can understand the anger and distrust of the typical politicians, but the blood is just beginning to run in Donald Trump’s campaign.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate in the race with more legal problems than Mr. Trump. I know the Trump University lawsuit is a civil suit and that Mr. Trump has an army of lawyers, because he’s always suing someone or getting sued. Perhaps that’s his plan to make America great again. Maybe we could change the America’s motto to, “The land of the great lawsuit.”

Mr. Trump is always calling others liars, but he never lies, right? Even when confronted with with audio and video of his lies, Mr. Trump will tell us, “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?” Mr. Trump already told us he can change into anything he wants, which might be the most truthful thing I’ve ever heard him say. He certainly knows how to tell people things they want to hear at a given moment, but just disagree with him or point out a flaw, and he’ll destroy you.

Mr. Trump claims he’s not a politician, but he certainly has been playing a political game most of his life, buying politicians for his gain. Now, so many people believe he’s going to be working for them. Sure. And you can keep your doctor if you like him, too.

David Jaronik


Supreme Court

Republicans are frothing about how they have the right to refuse a hearing for whomever President Barack Obama puts forth as a nominee to the Supreme Court. They have the right to reject a nominee, but not the right to deny a hearing.

They cite the Democrats wanting to deny George W. Bush appointing a nominee in his last 18 months in office. This was after the Supreme Court stole the election of 2000 from the American people and gave it to George. W. Bush. I can hear Republicans screaming, “You lie!” They can scream until they are blue in the face, but history will tell the truth. Any Democratic reluctance dates from this travesty of justice.

Republicans dug in their heels with the election of Barack Obama in 2008. Never in my lifetime of 77 years have I seen a president treated with such disrespect and lack of cooperation. Yet the Republicans pretend to love and respect the U.S. Constitution. What a farce.

Nadia Romeo

Las Vegas

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