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LETTERS: R-J should be completely free of bias

As an avid reader of the Review-Journal and someone who likes to follow politics both local and national news, I have to say I am decidedly disappointed in the biased coverage I continually see in the newspaper I love. I have given the benefit of the doubt to the R-J, but after recent events, I simply can no longer do so.

Regardless of who the new owner is, or who is making the editorial decisions, the right-wing bias of this paper has gotten out of hand. On Dec. 18, there was an entire page dedicated to several GOP presidential candidates. On page 14, there was only a small article about Bernie Sanders' campaign getting a major endorsement from Democracy For America.

On Sunday, there was a front-page editorial discussing how transparent and open the paper will be going forward, regardless of who the owner is or how invested in politics that owner might be. I read this and felt good about it, until I went searching for information on the Democratic presidential primary debate that had taken place the night before. After scouring the paper for it, I finally found the first and only mention on page A14.

I understand that I am not without bias; nobody is immune to that. However, I feel that an entity whose sole purpose is to help inform members of the community should be completely free of said bias.

This has nothing to do with my own views, or any agenda I might have. This has to do with more than just transparency. It has to do with making sure the people you serve are the most informed group of people about every issue. The content should not be skewed to satisfy the demographic that it serves, either. Journalism should always be viewed as a way to inform customers, not sway them.

James Scouten

Las Vegas

Less liberal babble

Thank goodness someone bought out the liberal Review-Journal. I canceled my subscription last month, but will be renewing it now. The amount of scathing articles about your new owner, Sheldon Adelson — who happens to be a conservative and Republican — is troubling. Can't conservatives have a voice in Nevada?

The R-J already has an entire section (the Las Vegas Sun) that is 90 percent liberal and 10 percent tree hugging — a section offered every day without advertisements. So in newspaper reality, that would make it about two or three sections.

I hope all the editors don't get much sleep over the next few weeks, a time frame that will allow the new owner the chance to pick people who will offer the news, not liberal babble taken from The Associated Press, Reuters and the like. Maybe folks will have a chance to make a decision on what is news and not be spoon-fed garbage, as we have been in the past.

Steven Boles

Las Vegas

Attacks on Reid

I understand that Sen. Harry Reid is not one of the Review-Journal's favorites. The editorials make that very clear. But why did the R-J feel the need to publish the letter from Mark Cook ("Dear Harry, Dec. 9 Review-Journal)?

"Under your watch" and "during your watch" were phrases Mr. Cook used while listing a litany of ills that have befallen our country since Sen. Reid reached the upper chamber. Does Mr. Cook realize that since Sen. Reid started in the Senate in 1987, he has spent 14 years under Republican presidents?

Mr. Cook should have written his feelings down, gotten it all out, then torn up the letter. Or instead of "Dear Harry," the letter could have began with, "Dear Republicans." Then change two words in the last paragraph to make it read, "Despite that disastrous record, your primary focus is obviously to continue your relentless attacks on Democrats, so that you and your ilk can remain in power. Republicans, you are a disgrace."

Sen. Reid doesn't need me to come to his defense — he does a good job on his own. The R-J didn't need Mr. Cook's letter to attack Sen. Reid — it does a good job of that on its own.

Les Gilbert

Las Vegas

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