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Open-minded Bush appointed a Democrat

To the editor:

Jerry Sturdivant’s letter on May 24 regarding the IRS scandal shows he is in complete denial or is stunningly ignorant of the facts. Probably both. There’s so much to be said to refute his uninformed rant, but space is limited here.

Suffice it to say, the former IRS commissioner was indeed appointed by George W. Bush, who chose Douglas Shulman despite the fact that Mr. Shulman is a registered Democrat and was a Democratic campaign donor in support of John Kerry against Mr. Bush. Open your mind, and the truth will become clear.




To the editor:

I’ve just finished reading Monday’s Review-Journal story pleading for more funds for English Language Learners. Typical response: blame teachers and throw more money at the problem.

Sylvia Lazos, director of the Immigration Clinic at Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, asks: “What does it take to give these kids a chance to succeed?”

I think the two most important things would be parental involvement and the desire to assimilate. All kids need parents who care enough to provide their children with every advantage to succeed. Is it easy? No. It wasn’t easy for any other ethnic group in this country, either. When on the phone with any business, have you ever heard, “Press 3 for Italian? Press 4 for Irish?”

It’s time to get it out there that, for whatever reason, Latinos refuse to become a part of the community unless it’s for something Hispanic in nature. Every other nationality has learned the language of the land and not sat back expecting every company, and every employee, to learn the languages others brought with them. Yes, be proud of your heritage, but be proud of where you are now. You came here for a reason. That reason is America is the best country in the history of man.

Lincy Institute scholar Sonya Horsford says of the fact that we have such a high immigrant population, “This is America, we should start looking at (that population) as an opportunity.” I agree, but it’s a two-way opportunity. We have the opportunity to add good, hard-working people to our community, but those people have a responsibility to assimilate and become Americans.

Another example of the problem, per Monday’s story: Two lawyers from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund held a fact-finding meeting with parents, in Spanish, asking if these parents had run-ins with teachers “ill equipped to handle students learning English.” So now every teacher has to be fluent in another language to accommodate these immigrants? Again, assimilate. Thankfully, a lawsuit is not “imminent” at this time.

Instead of hurling blame and being professional victims, why don’t Hispanic leaders form English classes for children and adults? If they truly want to give these young children every advantage to succeed, that’s the way to go. I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy for many people, but it’s worth it. Success requires great effort.

Personally, I couldn’t care less if they ever learn. Those who don’t will be easily manipulated and exploited for the gain of others. The food chain goes on either way. The question is, do they want to move up the food chain? I know they are capable, but do they want it? We’ll see.



Like Prohibition

To the editor:

In response to your stories about a federal proposal to reduce the drunken driving blood-alcohol threshold from .08 percent to .05 percent, I was in the sports bar business for 40 years, and no one is ever drunk from two beers or two drinks. Under this plan, no one playing in a billiards or dart league, or joining a softball team gathering, could risk the possibility of a DUI offense by having more than one drink. All it will do is put a lot of people out of business, almost like Prohibition.

Drunken driving is blamed for most fatal accidents, yet the opposite is true. Less than one in three fatal accidents involve alcohol. Most accidents are caused by drivers being half asleep or going too fast for conditions, or inattentive driving due to putting on makeup, eating, making phone calls or, worst of all, texting.

If your friend or relative died in an accident caused by a drunken driver, are they not just as dead as the majority of auto fatalities that have nothing to do with alcohol?



Reality bites

To the editor:

On April 17, Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., voted against the bill that expanded background checks on individuals who wished to purchase a gun. He did so because he believes in the concept, but not the specific legislation.

The reality is, I can’t vote on the legislation, but I do have a say in Sen. Heller’s future, and I will not vote for him when he seeks re-election. Now that is a true reality concept.




To the editor:

Letter writer Tony Barron (“Gold Butte protection a no-brainer,” Tuesday Review-Journal) needs to be reminded that, in 1996, the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument was designated a wilderness area to keep the American people from getting at the largest supply of low-sulfur coal in the world. Bill Clinton did this to help a huge campaign donor: the Riadys of the Lippo Group from Indonesia. Guess who has one of the largest supplies of low-sulfur coal? Indonesia.

The Grand Staircase designation was nothing but political payback.



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