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LETTER: Biden revives failed Iran policy

In 2016, Barack Obama paid $400 million cash on pallets to Iran to release four American hostages. Now the price has gone up.

LETTER: Nevada must make it easier for residents to go green

If the state and urban cities in Nevada invest in widespread charging infrastructure, it could help not just me, but many other Nevadans out there to have the confidence to finally go electric.

LETTER: More Pelosi hypocrisy

Isn’t it amazing how the speaker’s cry for “punishment” varies if your party affiliation has a D or an R associated with it?

LETTER: Time for Southern Nevada pols to limit development

When I moved to Las Vegas in 2000, the news was centered on the lack of water for Clark County residents. Recently the Review-Journal has printed more news items reiterating the same thing.

LETTER: Minimum wage debate missing the facts

Politicians want to increase the minimum wage, claiming this is a crucial matter for all Americans. Let’s look at some facts to have an informed opinion.

LETTER: Jim Bilbray is alive and kicking

And mighty proud of his legislator daughter.

LETTER: Biden’s ‘diverse’ Cabinet isn’t really that diverse

When Joe Biden ran for the presidency, he promised a Cabinet that looked “like America.” The mainstream media continue to promote the false narrative that we now have the most diversified Cabinet ever.

LETTER: COVID and health care ‘inequities’

The virus is not racist and does not discriminate based on race. It is disproportionately killing the older population.

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