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Racism is alive and well in America

In all my almost 50 years of living on this Earth, there has been one thing that has always befuddled me: The constant desire that white Americans have to tell black people in this country how to react and or respond to racism, be it systemic or blatant.

For example, they love to say, “Well, do what the cop tells you to do.” Well, we’ve done that. And it still gets us killed.

Whites love to say that “white privilege” is a colloquial term that has no real merit. This conveniently disregards studies showing that white males with a felony conviction have an equal chance at gainful employment as a felony-free black male.

I in no way condone the killing of innocent human beings, be they black, white, striped or polka-dotted. However, do you really expect people who have watched members of their group being killed indiscriminately — with the perpetrators routinely exonerated and given what amounts to a paid vacation and a slap on the wrist — to not react at some point?

It is disingenuous to say that a country founded on racial subjugation has matured to the point that racial dynamics are no longer at play. In my lifetime, Jim Crow was the law in a number of enclaves in this “free country.”

Contrary to popular belief, white America, racism is alive and well in this country. And some of those who adhere to white hegemony, unfortunately, have been issued a badge and a gun.

Gerron Burns

Las Vegas

Trump supporter

I am sick and tired of the Review-Journal’s incessant penchant for denigrating Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. It couldn’t have been more obvious than in Steve Sebelius’s commentary on the Tuesday front page.

Right at the start, the headline reads: “Trump: Making America safe again?” It starts out with a question mark, as if saying: “Really? Donald Trump making us all safe?”

Later, he writes, “It wasn’t entirely clear that was the intent.” Then, he describes Melania Trump as “of marrying-Donald-Trump fame.” On and on.

I know it’s a commentary, in which you’re allowed to express your opinion. But putting Mr. Sebelius on the front page to negatively dig into the success of the great first day of the 2016 GOP convention is unabashedly biased and slanted.

It is time to come to grips with the inevitable outcome in November. Donald J. Trump will be our next president. Why am I so sure? Because no one in his right mind would vote for a candidate as criminal, fraudulent and lying as Hillary Clinton.

Rodolfo Cedillos


Happy kitty

The “madness” in the recent letter by Teresa Chagrin of PETA is her assertion that trap/neuter/release doesn’t work. Anyone who has worked with a feral cat program can see the results. Fewer cats, healthier cats and much happier cats. It has made a huge difference in my neighborhood.

If Ms. Chagrin wants all cats neutered and living indoors, she better get a bigger house. In Las Vegas, Best Friends, Heaven Can Wait and the website of the Humane Society are great places to get the real facts on trap, neuter and release programs.

Cheryl Lockhart

Las Vegas

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