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Trump will lead us out of the wilderness

Our long national nightmare is over. We, the people, have been lied to, deceived and called bigots, racists and worse by Democrats if we dared disagree with the progressive narrative.

But the nightmare of being dragged to the altar of socialism via the corrupt practices of Democratic leaders such as Barack Obama and Harry Reid is now over. It took a tarnished knight named Donald Trump to lead us out of the wilderness, but lead us he did.

Joseph Schillmoeller

Las Vegas

• It’s taken 53 years but the Kennedy assassins have claimed their final victory. American democracy is dead. This is what the neocon Kennedy killers have been working toward for years. Their victory was assured with Barack Obama’s victory. The fascist neocons were able to bolster their support through the enlistment of the racist Tea Party to negate reason. Reason was surely the loser on Tuesday.

I’m on my way to Canada. I’ve been here for 78 years and have many friends in this valley. Goodbye and best wishes. Sorry, but I can’t complete the journey with you.

Jerry Speer

Las Vegas

• The members of the basket of deplorables linked their arms together and marched on the polling places throughout the United States and placed their X in the box for Donald Trump. They’ve made a statement that’s been heard around the world expressing the silent majority’s opinion of how to make America a great country again.

Howard Chatt

Las Vegas

• We now will have a president who feels the way most Americans do. We will again have God, the Constitution, family and love of this country in our lives. God bless America.

Jeralyn Elsasser

Las Vegas

• Living proof that money talks, and you can buy anything you want.

Linda Millard

Las Vegas

• Looking at the results of the Nevada vote, it looks like we’ve become part of California. So let’s just wait for the man to bring us our food stamps and take care of all our medical bills, college bills and other expenses. Some rich guy will pay for it — maybe even Donald Trump.

David Jaronik


• At a time when too many states turned red, Harry Reid helped Nevada stay blue. Not only that, but Sen. Reid also helped elect a Democratic senator and three Democratic House members. The GOP ran ads linking Sen. Reid to all of the Democrats running for office. How dumb was that?

Irwin Kaufman

Las Vegas

• Only in America can just anyone become president of the United States. God help us all. Rigged?

Juan N. Valdez

Las Vegas

• Where many politicians promise the world to get elected, and then forget the promises, I expect Trump to be Trump. It will be unexplainable to many in Washington and in the media, but not to those who elected a man who won’t go back on his word.

Owen Nelson

Las Vegas

• What a racist, sexist, narcissistic people we have become.

Of course, with a Republican Senate and House, they will now privatize Social Security. Affordable health care is gone for 16 million people. Planned Parenthood is gone. The 11 million Hispanics can expect to be deported. African-Americans can expect to be racially profiled. LBGT people can be expected to go back into hiding. Corporations can exploit people again and ruin our economy.

I write all of this because it is exactly what Donald Trump said he would do.

Michelle Bracey


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