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New Age social progressives and the high court

To the editor:

What is the confusion about Sonia Sotomayor as President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court? She is the quintessential representative of the New Age social progressives.

To them, there is no objective right or wrong, black or white, up or down, legal or illegal. Everything is a matter of personal perspective and intuition, not facts and knowledge. Laws are to be followed if they agree with them and ignored if they don't. If it feels good do it. If it doesn't or they don't like it, make a law against it.

And don't hold them on Thursday to what they said or felt on Tuesday. When it comes to political correctness, "words hurt" is their way around the old saying "truth hurts."

Go out and live 100 percent today, because everybody is going to live hard and die young and not be downers like old Mom and Dad and Gramps. That's society today. Look around.

Kent Rischling


Used cars

To the editor:

Dick Cheney keeps saying that we have not been attacked since 9/11.

But why should the terrorists bother to attack U.S. soil when they have already killed more than 5,000 Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Mr. Cheney has spent eight years hiding in a basement somewhere making deals that he refused to divulge to the American people. Mr. Cheney has the integrity of a used car salesman.

Anthony Tidei


Union puppets

To the editor:

After watching proceedings in Carson City, Sacramento and Washington, D.C., one can only wonder whether we elected legislators or union puppets. What part of broke don't they understand?

Unless we impose a hiring freeze and wage reductions on all government entities, we will end up bankrupt like California. Reducing the size and spending of government is our only way out, period.

Hans Bohn


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