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Sandoval will determine fate of ESAs

Contrary to what you might have heard, Education Savings Accounts are not dead. They’re very much alive. And they’ll be back again this summer — if Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval wants it so.

The risks of government-funded pre-K

A mega corporation is using skewed research to sell its product to gullible parents. The conglomerate claims to help kids, but its product actually has no effect — or a negative effect — on children’s cognitive skills and social behaviors.

Nevada ‘cutting’ its way to record spending

Telling a lie over and over doesn’t make it true. But it can turn a lie into a narrative. Don’t believe me? Take Nevada’s budget. You’re already hearing that the state’s general fund is about to be cut to the bone.

Principles for examining Nevada policy

What do you feel when you hear the name Donald Trump? Now, what comes to mind for the names Aaron Ford, Michael Roberson, Jason Frierson and Paul Anderson?

Nevada fires back in Education Savings Account lawsuit

Nevada is sparing no expense in fighting an American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada lawsuit that seeks to unravel the Education Savings Account program.

Just who is helping Iran’s hard-liners?

The latest Quinnipiac poll shows the American public rejects the president’s Iran deal by more than 2-to-1. This is astonishing. The public generally gives the president deference on major treaties. Just a few weeks ago, a majority supported the deal.

Is it a tax? Or a fee?

If a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, would a tax by another name be as odious?

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