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COMMENTARY: Welcome to Trumpland, where the president enjoys the upper hand

In only a few days … while liberals sat around gloating over the “failure” of the Obamacare repeal … Trump changed the direction of America. Trump did more in this time than most presidents do in a four-year term.

Happy retirement to a real broadcast pro

This being April Fool’s Day, how I wish the subject of this column was only a put-up job with a “just kidding” punchline at the end. Sadly for all of us, it’s not.

GOP has facts, fails to deliver in oversight hearings

At a certain point, you have to realize you can’t hit a fastball. House Republicans don’t quite get that they are hopeless at oversight hearings. They keep losing — and now the chairman of the House Oversight Committee has just introduced articles of impeachment against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.

ESA applications reveal wealth gap

Nevada’s education savings accounts were sold to the 2015 Legislature, in part, as a way to level the playing field between students from rich and poor backgrounds.