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Sandoval speech leaves Democrats with tough choice

For decades, Nevada Democrats have wanted to tax business revenue to better fund public schools. And, coincidentally, Nevada has a governor who wants to tax business revenue to better fund public schools.

One crazy year

It’s been quite a year.

Maybe it’s best to step away from that microphone, huh?

Assembly Speaker-designate Ira Hansen’s quasi-apology for his offensive newspaper columns of yesteryear needs a little tidying up. As ever, SlashPolitics is here to help!

Hansen: Gayness akin to bestiality, prostitution

Assembly Speaker-designate said last year in a letter on official letterhead that homosexuality was a choice, not unlike bestiality, prostitution, pedophilia or adultery.

Obama’s immigration order is nothing like what you’ve heard

There are those who will tell you President Barack Obama’s newest executive order on immigration is an unprecedented, unconstitutional abuse of his authority implemented for political purposes and little more.

Too few good men

Lately it seems as if we’re losing too many of the good ones.

2013: A last look back

There were a lot of firsts in 2013.

Only one man capable of ‘Being Oscar’

Former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman settles plenty of scores in his new autobiography, “Being Oscar.”

A fine, but no more justice for John Ensign

Remember John Ensign? He’s the Republican U.S. senator who seduced the wife of his best friend and chief of staff, fired both in order to continue his assignations and then ultimately resigned after a year of sensational headlines concerning secret payments and violations of federal lobbying laws.

It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true

After focus grouping, poll testing and media vetting, it should come as no surprise that political rhetoric tends toward the banal. When even the politicians uttering the lines seem unconvinced, how are we supposed to be?