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Asm. Pickard talks about taking on LVCVA, taxes and Read by 3

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority CEO Rossi Ralenkotter shouldn’t get a “golden parachute.” Tax increases aren’t necessary, but if politicians want an increase they should send it to voters. Read by Three needs a chance to work, even if it holds back thousands of third graders. That’s according to Senate district 20 candidate and Assemblyman Keith Pickard.

Rosen can’t keep her resume straight

Then-president Barack Obama took a lot of heat for once saying, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” Turns out he was just talking about Rep. Jacky Rosen.

Heritage Foundation legal expert discusses Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice. He has more of a defined approach to the Constitution than Justice Anthony Kennedy, but it’s not possible to say how he’d rule in a case seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade. That’s all according to Thomas Jedding, senior legal fellow with the free-market Heritage Foundation.

Clark County’s fireworks ban fizzles

Clark County’s inability to stop illegal fireworks — even building a website that ended up highlighting its own impotence — was a fitting tribute to Independence Day.

Nevada immigration lawyer talks about family separation

Adults with children caught crossing the border illegally should be released into the country if they claim asylum. A physical barrier wouldn’t deter border crossings, and Republican efforts to outlaw family separation aren’t worth supporting. That’s according to Hardeep “Dee” Sull, a Nevada attorney, who’s part of Lawyer Moms of America.

Democrats prefer political gain over ending family separation

Democrats are positioning themselves to vote down a bill that would permanently prevent the separation of illegal immigrant parents and children. Remember this the next time you see liberals compare President Donald Trump and his administration to Nazis on this issue.

Senate District 20 candidate Brooks on opponent, schools, taxes

Assemblyman Keith Pickard is “exploiting community members” for political gain. Gun control won’t prevent mass shootings, and the key to improving education is keeping great teachers in the classroom. That’s all according to Byron Brooks, who’s running for the Republican nomination for Senate District 20.

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