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VICTOR JOECKS: Voters deserve to hear Biden’s answers to these four questions

Joe Biden is scheduled to emerge from his basement and visit Las Vegas on Friday. He’s likely to become the next president, but his position on several key issues is either unknown or unclear, based on his many flip-flops.

Biden probably won’t hold a press conference. Too bad. No one should support him before hearing his answers to some basic questions.

1. Do you support packing the Supreme Court?

Biden dodged this question during the first presidential debate. Sen. Kamala Harris dodged it multiple times during Wednesday’s vice presidential debate. This isn’t a mistake. Not telling the voters where he stands is his stated strategy.

“You’ll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over,” Biden said Thursday.

To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi: You have to vote for him to find out what he supports.

This is no trivial matter. The Supreme Court has had nine justices for 150 years. If Democrats pack the court, they will destroy the independence of the judicial branch. Either the Supreme Court goes along with the dominant political party or it will be expanded until it does. That’s a threat to the separation of powers, a bedrock principle of the U.S. Constitution.

Politically, court packing is a loser. A Washington Examiner/YouGov poll found that the public opposes packing the Supreme Court by a 47 percent to 34 percent. The problem for Biden is that his base is desperate to pack the court. Remember that the next time Democrats claim President Donald Trump is the one destroying institutional norms.

2. Would you repeal the Trump tax cuts?

In 2019, Biden said that on “day one” of his presidency, he would work to eliminate the Trump tax cuts. He repeated that threat during the first presidential debate. During the vice presidential debate, Harris said the same thing. But Biden also claims that he won’t raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year.

Because the Trump tax cuts reduced taxes for average middle-income families, both statements can’t be true. It’s imperative voters know what his tax plan entails.

3. How can anyone trust your position on fracking?

Whatever your thoughts on fracking, Biden has been in your corner — at some point. During the primary, Biden said he wanted to eliminate fracking. He said he opposed new fracking. In August, Biden went to Pennsylvania and said, “I am not banning fracking.”

Fracking has lowered both energy costs and carbon emissions. A straight answer isn’t too much to ask.

4. What constitutional authority does the president have to implement a national mask mandate?

Biden was for a mask mandate before he was against it. Now, he’s for it. He makes John Kerry look like a model of consistency.

In August, Biden said, “Let’s institute a mask mandate, nationwide, starting immediately.” But in September, he said that he didn’t have the authority to issue a national mandate.

“I don’t think constitutionally” the federal government “could” mandate masks, Biden said. “So, I wouldn’t issue a mandate.”

On Wednesday, he tweeted, “As president, I will implement nationwide mask mandates.”

Biden’s campaign is based on the fact that he isn’t Trump. But if he’s elected, he’ll wield immense power. The American people deserve to know how he plans to use it.

Victor Joecks’ column appears in the Opinion section each Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Listen to him discuss his columns each Monday at 3 p.m. with Kevin Wall on AM 670 KMZQ Right Talk. Contact him at vjoecks@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-4698. Follow @victorjoecks on Twitter.

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