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COMMENTARY: Plenty to be grateful for on this festive holiday

Having a column on Thanksgiving Thursday means giving thanks.

First, we’d all be remiss if we didn’t thank God, America and our lucky stars for the amazing success of Las Vegas. This town is one-in-a-million. We suffered a terrible mass shooting on Oct. 1. Every expert I heard predicted an awful downturn for Vegas tourism.

I was a guest on a national show only days after the attack. The host spoke as if he was witnessing a funeral. He and his guests acted as if Vegas might take years to recover — or might never recover. Well, the latest report is in. October set an all-time record with 4.3 million travelers at McCarran International Airport. Keep in mind October was the actual month of the attack. Vegas is an amazing place. The tourists will never stop coming!

Secondly, I have my personal thanks to give. I started a one-hour radio show in Vegas. Today it’s a three-hour radio show during afternoon drive time. It’s the fastest-growing radio show in America — from one station to 36 stations across the country in only a few months. In many cities, I’ve replaced legends such as Mark Levin, Dave Ramsey and Larry Elder. As Don King would say, “Only in America.” Thank you, Las Vegas, where it all started. And thank you, USA Radio Network.

My radio show has now become a national TV show. Newsmax TV put my show in the primetime position on its conservative TV lineup. Last month more than 8,000 people tried to call in to speak to me live on the air. They called from all 50 states. What an honor. Thank you, Newsmax TV.

And then there’s this Review-Journal column. It’s my favorite of everything I do. Why? Because I love talking politics with the people of Las Vegas. I think this state is ground zero for the fight to save America, American exceptionalism, economic and personal freedom, capitalism and the U.S. Constitution.

After all, we’re the state that welcomes guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens but bans state income taxes. We’re the state that welcomes gambling, strip clubs and legal marijuana, yet we have more churches per capita than most cities in America. Our billion-dollar casino industry is one of the economic engines of capitalism. And Las Vegas is the very symbol of America to people across the globe.

I believe this unique Vegas mix of capitalism, populism, nationalism, conservative economic beliefs and personal freedom — all combined with a streak of libertarianism — is the future of America and American politics. So thank you, Las Vegas. And thanks to the Review-Journal.

And then there’s President Donald Trump. I give great thanks for the blessing of my president.

Obviously, some people can’t stand the man. That includes many establishment Republicans right here in Nevada, including our governor and U.S. senator. But I believe they’ve all lost their way. You see, I’ve been a Republican since literally the day I was born. At age three, I was campaigning for Barry Goldwater in my father’s arms.

To me, the definition of a Republican is someone who stands for lower taxes; smaller government; more power to the people; less power to the D.C. swamp; cutting regulations; cutting spending; reducing the debt; honoring the police and military; having faith in God; building a wall and securing our border; reducing welfare dependency; building health care around free markets rather than government; and always putting “America First.” That means keeping people out of our country who are bad for the economy or don’t have our best interests in mind. Immigration is fantastic — as long as the immigrants come here legally and want to work and assimilate. No Sharia law. No welfare for life. Speak English.

President Trump has made all of those principles front and center again. Donald Trump saved my GOP.

For all of that, I’m grateful this Thanksgiving.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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