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Democrats being run by the Insanity Caucus

The Democratic Party is self-destructing at the same time President Donald Trump is enjoying record high popularity. I think I know why.

Trump’s chief economist, Kevin Hassett, pointed out that disposable income went up $2,300 per person in 2018. That’s $4,600 in a two-worker household.That’s real money. It’s not tweets. It’s not controversy. It’s not collusion. It’s real money in each American family’s pocket to create a better life.

Trump’s chief economist also predicted 3 percent economic growth for the next five years under the president. Keep in mind, Barack Obama’s GDP was barely above 1 percent. That means Trump’s economy is growing almost three times faster than Obama’s. That adds up to trillions of extra dollars in the economy floating around for each of us to grab our piece of the pie.

How many millions of jobs will be created because business owners and consumers have more money in their pockets? How many millions of employees will see bonuses, raises, new jobs? How many millions of Americans will see a higher quality of life?

Now, compare this positive Trump economic news with the Democrat “Insanity Caucus” starring Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They can’t run an economy, but they’re great at running their mouths.

We’ll start with the insane ravings of Ocasio-Cortez. Even Obama’s former border chief now acknowledges we are experiencing “the worst border crisis in America’s history.” According to Ocasio-Cortez, it’s all because of “climate change.” She thinks millions of illegal immigrants are coming to America, not because they are desperate to escape misery, poverty and violent crime, but because of hot weather.

How pathetic is Ocasio-Cortez? Nancy Pelosi said recently that “a glass of water with a ‘D’ next to it” could have been elected in her district.

Meanwhile, Omar was caught at a event for CAIR (for all intents and purposes, an Islamic terrorist fundraising organization) saying about 9/11, “Some people did something.”

Think about those words. That’s how a Democrat congresswoman describes the worst terror attack ever on U.S. soil. An attack carried out by Islamic terrorists who hated America, Christians and Jews.

Let me clear it up. It wasn’t “some people.” It was Muslim terrorists representing radical Islam. And it wasn’t “something” they did. To be specific, they murdered 2,977 Americans.

Omar followed this up with an interview in which she complained that Americans say words such as “al-Qaida” and “Hezbollah” with anger and emphasis — to make them sound bad. But we never use that same emphasis on the words “America” or “U.S. Army.” In other words, she sees no difference between Islamic terrorist murderers and American patriots.

It’s now clear we have elected Hamas to Congress. Omar is a traitor to America and to every soldier who died to defend our wonderful freedoms. It’s important to note that Omar’s BFF, Ocasio-Cortez, calls critics of Omar “racists.”

It’s a clear choice: Either support businessman Trump and an extra $4,600 for your family or support the raging lunatics and traitors of the Democrat “Insanity Caucus.”

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated“WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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