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LETTER: Melania welcome

In his letter to the editor, a Mr. Edgar Vovsi suggested that since President Trump wants to ship out immigrants that he should start with his wife.

LETTER: Taxed enough

I moved here sixteen years ago due to low taxes and a low cost of living. Now every state and local entity that dug its own grave wants to raise taxes

LETTER: Monorail troubles

The future of the Las Vegas Monorail is bleak.

LETTER: The mystery of environmental NIMBYism

The very people who claim we are destroying the planet and must get off fossil fuels are the ones who fight the attempts to do just that.

EDITORIAL: A good day for liberty at the US Supreme Court

The Supreme Court concludes its term this week and in the past few days has issued two rulings strengthening the Bill of Rights, tossing out rules that hinder free speech and erode property rights.