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If abortion law holds, Netflix will ‘rethink’ Georgia shoots

Though major studios have so far remained quiet on Georgia’s recently passed abortion law , Netflix on Tuesday said it will contest the legislation and “rethink our entire investment” in the state, should the law going into effect.

New US diabetes cases fall even as obesity rises

The number of new diabetes cases among U.S. adults keeps falling, even as obesity rates climb, and health officials aren’t sure why.

Biden aide lashes out at Trump’s tweet while in Japan

A senior aide to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden says President Donald Trump’s attacks against Biden on foreign soil “are beneath the dignity of the office.”

Sanders’ second presidential run looks much like his first

Three months into his second presidential campaign, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is struggling with some of the same challenges that sank his last bid.

Little enthusiasm as Trump team tries to sell Mideast plan

President Donald Trump’s top Mideast advisers face skeptical audiences as they visit locations starting Tuesday to rally support for what they have billed as a workshop on the economic foundations of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Supreme Court rejects appeal over transgender bathrooms

The Supreme Court will not take up a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district’s policy allowing transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their sexual identity.

Group vowing to build border wall puts up New Mexico segment

A leader with the group that’s been raising funds to build a southern border wall on its own says they erected less than a mile of wall on private land in New Mexico over Memorial Day weekend.

US Supreme Court allows Indiana law on fetal remains

The Supreme Court is upholding an Indiana law that requires abortion providers to dispose of aborted fetuses in the same way as human remains.

Hate groups have never really left Pacific Northwest

Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations’ Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

Holy month of Ramadan is for fasting and Facebook, data shows

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan, with long days of fasting and prayer meant to draw worshippers closer to God and away from worldly distractions, is being reshaped by technology.

11 hurt during Kosovo action on organized crime, officials say

Kosovo police say five police officers and six civilians were injured during an operation against organized crime and corruption in the Serb-dominated north that primarily targeted other police officers.