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New laws emerge as technology impacts cars and driving

As it relates to public policy, lawmakers may be feeling overwhelmed as they try to keep up with researching, writing and passing legislation to regulate new technologies to maintain public safety or prevent the invasion of privacy. Here is news on some enacted and proposed legislation involving technology and driving.

Lowden, Hutchison clash over taxes, Obamacare and campaign debt

Republican lieutenant governor candidates Mark Hutchison and Sue Lowden clashed heatedly Monday in a TV debate over taxes, Obamacare and Lowden’s campaign debt with both contenders accusing the other of being deceptive.

Early poll: Schwartz out in front in Nevada treasurer’s race

The Democrats might enjoy a 77,000 registered voter advantage in Nevada, but an early poll has found Republican Dan Schwartz leads state Controller Kim Wallin by 8 points in the race for state treasurer.

Candidates for sheriff get heated under glare of TV lights

The spirited debate during a taping of “Ralston Reports” on KSNV-TV, Channel 3, featured Las Vegas police Assistant Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, retired Assistant Sheriff Ted Moody and retired Captain Larry Burns.

Low turnout expected at Nevada caucuses on Saturday

Nevada’s Democratic and Republican parties this Saturday launch the 2014 political season by holding precinct caucuses across the state.

Some Democratic love for Lowden

Just in time for Valentine’s Day weekend, Sue Lowden finally is getting some love from the Nevada Democratic Party — albeit tough love.

State GOP delays controversial pre-primary endorsement vote

Nevada Republican Party officials voted Saturday to delay implementation of a controversial pre-primary endorsement process for GOP candidates after a spirited debate at an all-day meeting.