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5 DIY fall yard cleanup tips

(BPT) - Fall is the perfect time to give your lawn the extra attention and care it needs – especially after an action-packed summer. Inclement weather, extreme temperatures and heavy foot traffic can take a toll on your yard, and inhibit the overall health and growth of your lawn. It’s important to let your lawn recover during the fall and make sure it has the nutrients and strength it needs for the coming months.

Consider these fall yard cleanup tips to help get your lawn back in shape and ready for winter.

Rake – Raking is one of the most common yet effective ways to clear leaves and other small debris like twigs from your yard. Easily remove leaves by raking onto a tarp, which allows you to drag and dump the leaves. If you experience backaches while raking, it’s best to use an ergonomic rake to help reduce pain often caused by repetitive motion.

Split logs – Neglecting large tree branches or limbs left in your yard from harsh winds and severe storms can compact soil and weaken grass. Clear your yard by using a log splitter, like the Yard Machines 21-Ton Log Splitter, to quickly and efficiently spilt wood instead of using an axe. For safety purposes, always place the log splitter on a flat, dry and solid surface, and then secure the wheels to prevent the splitter from moving during operation.

Clean gutters – Downspouts and gutters can fill up with leaves, dirt and other debris over time, keeping water from properly draining. This can cause gutters to overflow, which may lead to a flooded landscape and slick walkways, so be sure to thoroughly clean your gutters and remove objects that could disrupt or block water flow.

Fertilize – Applying fertilizer to your lawn helps grass rejuvenate from the summer heat and gives it the strength it needs to survive the winter. This will also help grass establish strong roots and improve soil richness for the coming spring.

Weed – Since weeds start to store food in their roots during the fall to prepare for the winter, it’s best to remove as many as possible – including the roots – to prevent regrowth. After you’ve finished weeding, cover landscape areas with mulch or rock to block sunlight and deter growth.

For more yard cleanup tips and information about equipment to help you achieve a better lawn, visit mtdproducts.com.

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