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7 unexpected, lesser-known signs of dementia

(BPT) - Most age-related health issues don’t develop overnight — after all, it’s called “growing older,” not “suddenly older.” And although it’s not a normal side-effect of growing older, dementia is one of many health concerns that can creep up on people as they age.

“Some symptoms of dementia are obvious — not recognizing a cherished loved one or forgetting how to get home from the grocery store,” says Dr. Kevin O’Neil, chief medical officer of Brookdale Senior Living. “Other signs are more subtle, but detecting them early in a loved one or yourself can mean getting dementia care sooner, rather than later.”

As the holidays approach and you find yourself spending more time with family and friends, give extra attention to elders and watch for these seven lesser-known signs of dementia.

1. Changes in vision

Dementia can cause changes in visual perception. Someone with dementia may have difficulty judging distances, determining color, seeing contrast or reading. On their own, vision problems might not be related to dementia, but if they’re present along with other symptoms such as confusion and memory loss, consider talking to your doctor about your observations.

2. Difficulty with daily tasks

Someone experiencing dementia may struggle with ordinary tasks he or she once did easily. The home handyman has trouble hanging a picture, or an amateur chef no longer remembers how to make her favorite dishes.

3. Misplacing things frequently

Everyone occasionally forgets where she left her car keys — misplacing things every now and then is normal. But if those car keys show up in an inappropriate place, such as the refrigerator, or Mom consistently forgets where she left the TV remote, she may be experiencing signs of dementia.

4. Social withdrawal

It’s not unusual for seniors who are less mobile to have fewer daily social interactions. And a person who’s been introverted his whole life isn’t likely to become a social butterfly in retirement. But seniors who withdraw from social activities they once enjoyed — such as hobbies, clubs or interacting with loved ones — may be showing signs of dementia.

5. Time and place confusion

People with dementia may become confused about places, even where they live. They can also lose track of time, and not just a few minutes or hours. They may be confused about the month or even what season it is. They may also lose the ability to judge time, feeling as if 5 minutes is actually hours. Their sleep cycles may also become confused, and they may sleep during the day but be up all night.

6. Weight loss

Unplanned and unexpected weight loss is concerning in people of any age, and may indicate a serious health problem. In seniors, sudden weight loss may mean the person is forgetting to eat regular meals, or is no longer able to negotiate cooking their own meals, which can be signs of dementia.

7. Acting out of character

Dementia can sometimes lead to personality changes. A normally easy-going person may become verbally or even physically aggressive when frustrated. A senior who’s been independent all her life may suddenly seem uncertain or more anxious being alone. A person who’s always been thrifty and smart about saving may become a profligate spender.

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