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Don’t miss a beat this college basketball season

(BPT) - The college basketball tournament is one of the most exciting times of the year for basketball fans across the country, so much so that workplace productivity takes a nosedive.

According to a survey by MSN and Impulse Research, 30 percent of people spend three hours or more per day following the tournament during work – that’s almost half of the average work day! Whether you’re watching from your desk or from your couch, the following tips can help you stay in the know this season and help make you the MVP among your friends and co-workers.

Get social. Follow your favorite players and teams on social networks such as Twitter, and check out tournament hashtags to join the conversation around the top teams, best plays and latest wins or losses. Hot news often breaks on social media before it hits the presses, so keep a finger on the pulse of social networks to get the news first.

Speed things up. If you’re going to spend three hours or more following the tournament each day, saving time is critical. On average, people lose one day of life per year waiting for Web pages to load, and during the college basketball season, there’s no time to waste! According to a study by Principal Technologies, Inc., Sports on MSN for Windows 8 is seven times faster, on average, than the top four major online sports sites, making it a quick, easy way to get all your tournament news. Who knows, you may even be able to squeeze in another game with all the time you’ll save.

Stay connected.  Why follow one game at a time, when you can follow multiple? One third of people have their laptops by their side as they watch the college basketball tournament games at home, so they can keep up on all the excitement. If you don’t want to miss a beat this season, do as the sports gurus do and set up a multiscreen experience. While you’re watching one game on TV, visit MSN.FOXSports.com on your laptop so you don’t miss a thing.

Download tournament apps. On the go? Download various tournament applications for your phone or tablet to watch games on the go, share your bracket, and chat with other passionate fans. You can even set alerts on your phone to send you a reminder when a game is about to start or a score update when there are just a few minutes left in the game to prevent any games from falling off your radar.

With these quick and easy tips, you’re sure to stay in the know whether you are at home, work or somewhere in between. Give them a shot and you’ll be ahead of the game.

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