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US Senate candidates 2018

Dean Heller gets a boost with Brian Sandoval endorsement

With just over one month until election day, Sen. Dean Heller’s re-election campaign got a last-minute boost from outgoing Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Rosen honors Oct. 1 victims, heroes in speech on House floor

As the first-year anniversary of the Oct. 1 Las Vegas shooting nears, Rep. Jacky Rosen spoke on the House floor to honor the victims and recognize heroes, noting that “even in our darkest hour, we came together united.”

Rosen introduces bill to promote cybersecurity workforce

Legislation that would create a grant program under the Labor Department to promote a cybersecurity workforce — patterned after the Nevada cybersecurity apprenticeship program — was introduced Thursday in the House.

Pence talks with airmen, campaigns for Heller in Las Vegas

Vice President Mike Pence made his second visit in Las Vegas on Friday to tour Nellis Air Force Base, speak to the airmen and stump for U.S. Sen. Dean Heller and gubernatorial nominee Adam Laxalt.

Nevada vows to fight DOE plan to store plutonium near Las Vegas

U.S. Department of Energy proposal to store up to a ton of weapons-grade plutonium at the Nevada National Security Site, 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, is condemned by state lawmakers.

Health care a key element of Jacky Rosen’s run for Senate

Now she is staking a campaign that paints Heller as a “career politician” who can’t stand up to President Donald Trump. The focus has centered around his contradicting votes on repealing the Affordable Care Act.