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Plenty of challengers lining up despite long odds in attempt to unseat Sandoval as Nevada governor

Gov. Brian Sandoval is popular with voters and most political observers expect him to have an easy time winning re-election in November, but a passel of Republican opponents are trying to do the unthinkable and beat him in the June 10 primary, and a bunch of Democrats hope to face him in the general election in November.

Lively Republican primary will decide opponent for Horsford

Freshman U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., says he has 700,000 bosses — all constituents living in his 4th Congressional District, which stretches across 52,000 square miles of the southern half of Nevada.

Lowden, Hutchison spice up election

Whether you’re paying attention is perhaps the most pertinent question strategists for candidates Mark Hutchison and Sue Lowden must answer as they sharpen the knives heading into the start of early voting Saturday.

Hey, McFly! Are you … chicken?

After a couple of bad days spent explaining unpaid campaign debt from 2010, lieutenant governor candidate Sue Lowden is once again taunting her opponent by daring him to debate.

In politics, if you’re explaining…

Hotelier Sue Lowden is still dealing with unpaid debts from her unsuccessful 2010 bid for U.S. Senate, and it’s coming back to bite her in her new bid for lieutenant govenror.

Reid on Kochs, politics and civility

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid answered a wide-ranging list of questions during the Review-Journal’s annual Hashtags and Headlines event Thursday.

Lowden turns gender roles on their head

Republican lieutenant governor candidate Sue Lowden is taunting her primary opponent, Mark Hutchison, hoping to goad him into making a mistake.

A tiny sliver of hope in an otherwise hopeless ruling?

Fuller disclosure may be the only way to ensure we know who’s trying to buy our democracy, now that the Supreme Court has eliminated most campaign contribution limits.