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You will know him by his friends …

Harry Reid is getting a PR boost from a far left labor organization implicated in the Rod Blagojevich fiasco in which the former governor of Illinois is accused of trying to sell President Obama's former senatorial seat. Americans for Change say it had nothing to do with the Blago corruption deal. But it did send out this press release announcing a teevee campaign to help Nevadans understand better their senator from Searchlight.

Apparently, the AUC feels Nevadans don't know enough about their senior senator.

And I'm happy to help the AUC out ... here's its press release and commercial.

The commercial says Harry Reid is "fighting for Nevada jobs". Lemme ask the people ... how many Nevadans do you know who hold a "green" job created by Harry Reid? How many Nevadans do you know who lost a job at the Test Site. Seriously, I'd like to know.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Lauren Weiner, 202-470-5870
DATE: March 4, 2009

Reid Leading the Way for Clean Energy Jobs in Nevada

New Ad Thanks Sen. Reid for Leading the Fight for Renewable Energy and Green Jobs Across Nevada

Las Vegas, NV –Americans United for Change, the group that founded the Campaign for Jobs and Economic Recovery, launched a new television ad today titled “Nevada Jobs & Energy” which recognizes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s leadership in bringing renewable energy and green jobs to Nevada. Last week, Sen. Reid announced that he will introduce renewable energy legislation which could make Nevada a major national source of solar power, just as the Hoover Dam transformed Nevada into a leader in hydropower during the 1930s. The ad will run through the end of the week in Las Vegas. See the full script below.

“Nevada Jobs & Energy”
Ad Back-Up
Americans United For Change
TV (:30)
ANNCR: In the 1930s, America harnessed the power of nature to bring new energy, new jobs and new hope to Nevada.

CG: Hoover Dam Boosts Nevada Economy
Project generates electricity, jobs

    Over the five years that it took to build the Hoover Dam, thousands of jobs were created, bringing families from across the country to settle in Nevada. In total, 21,000 men worked on the dam from 1931 to 1936. Currently the dam produces an average of 4.2 billion kilowatt-hours a year, enough to serve 1.3 million people. The Hoover Dam provides energy to Nevada, Arizona and California. [Bureau of Reclamation]
ANNCR: Today, Nevada again faces tough times.

ANNCR: This time, Senator Harry Reid is fighting for us.

CG: Reid Pushes Renewable Energy, Reno Gazette-Journal, 2/24/09
    Reid Introduces Legislation to Makes Nevada a Leader in Renewable Energy. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced he will introduce renewable energy legislation that could help Nevada become a major national source of solar and geothermal power. [Reno Gazette-Journal, 2/24/09]
ANNCR: Senator Reid is leading the charge for smarter, cleaner, greener energy – energy that uses Nevada’s resources and creates good-paying Nevada jobs where we need them most.

CG: Reid Has Plan to Reform Energy Infrastructure, CNET, 2/23/09

CG: Senate Leader Outlines Steps to Meet Obama’s Energy Goals, New York Times, 2/25/09
    Reid Sees Three Steps To More Renewable Energy Sources. Sen. Harry Reid outlined what he sees as a three-pronged strategy for meeting the goals Obama laid out in his speech to Congress and said the Senate could pass all the bills by the end of the year. Reid wants to move first an energy bill that could contain a renewable portfolio standard, then on legislation to overhaul the electric grid and finally on a cap-and-trade bill. [New York Times, 2/25/09]

        · "Only by making these investments now can we build a new clean energy infrastructure that will create hundreds of thousands of American jobs, lower the energy bill of every single American, and preserve our planet for generations to come," Reid said at a national clean energy summit that he chaired. [Reno Gazette-Journal, 2/24/09]

ANNCR: Call Harry Reid and tell him to keep fighting for Nevada jobs, and Nevada’s future.

CG: Call Harry Reid at (202) 224-3121. Tell him to keep up the fight for Nevada jobs.

Paid for by Americans United for Change.
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