North Las Vegas Amazon building sells – VIDEO
North Las Vegas Amazon building sells – VIDEO

The developer of an Amazon warehouse in North Las Vegas has sold the building for $110 million.
This is the priciest real estate sale in Southern Nevada since the coronavirus pandemic hit, records show.

Donald Trump’s Oklahoma rally disrupted by TikTok users – Video
Donald Trump’s Oklahoma rally disrupted by TikTok users – Video

Donald Trump saw an abysmal turnout at his Saturday night rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and TikTok users are claiming credit.Thousands of users reportedly worked together in a coordinated effort to claim tickets for the rally, with no intention of showing up. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

COVID-19 Predicted to Kill 200,000 in the US by October, Model Says
COVID-19 Predicted to Kill 200,000 in the US by October, Model Says

COVID-19 Predicted to Kill 200,000
in the US by October, Model Says.
The model comes from the Institute for
Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
at the University of Washington.
It was once used by the
White House to map out
the pandemic’s trajectory.
Just last week, the model predicted that
30,000 fewer people would die from the virus.
Its newest projections place the number of deaths
between 171,000 and 270,000 by October 1.
The IHME says that a reason for the increase is
the “relaxation” of social distancing guidelines
in individual states.
IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray
adds that underlying factors are increases
in contact rates and mobility.
Starting in the third week of August in our forecast at the national level, we see the daily death rate… going up again, after having been declining since mid-April at the national level, Dr. Christopher Murray, via press briefing.
That increase in daily deaths really starts to gather momentum from mid-September onwards, Dr. Christopher Murray, via press briefing.
Murray also explains that the
usage of face masks heavily
influences the model’s projections.
Cases are dropping in hard-hit states
such as New York and New Jersey.
They are rising in others, including
Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
A month ago, Arizona was reporting
around 400 new cases per day.
The state is now seeing
over 1,000 cases daily

Aunt Jemima products to rebrand due to racist origins – Video
Aunt Jemima products to rebrand due to racist origins – Video

On Wednesday, Quaker Oats announced its popular Aunt Jemima syrup and pancake mix brand will be retired. The 130-year-old brand has long received criticism for its racist origins. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Airlines ban alcohol on planes amid COVID-19 – Video
Airlines ban alcohol on planes amid COVID-19 – Video

According to CNN, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, Asia’s Virgin Australia, and Europe’s KLM
and Easy Jet are temporarily halting all or part of their alcohol service. The measure is part of the industry’s protocol to limit interaction between crew and passengers during food and drink service. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Training Video
Training Video

Clark County on Tuesday announced its largest single-day increase of newly identified COVID-19 cases since the state’s outbreak began in March.

2021 Pro Bowl is coming to Las Vegas
2021 Pro Bowl is coming to Las Vegas

The Pro Bowl is coming to Las Vegas.
The NFL announced on Tuesday that Las Vegas will host the 2021 Pro Bowl at Allegiant Stadium.

Supreme Court says existing federal law protects LGBTQ+ workers – Video
Supreme Court says existing federal law protects LGBTQ+ workers – Video

On Monday, June 15, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
protects LBGTQ+ workers from being discriminated against at work. The original law states that it is illegal for employers to discriminate against employees for a number of reasons, including a person’s sex. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Starbucks to close more than 400 US stores – Video
Starbucks to close more than 400 US stores – Video

Starbucks has confirmed that they would be permanently transitioning to more socially distant store models. The coffee giant plans to transition a large number of stores to pick-up only locations, specifically in major cities. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Army Gen, Milley apologizes for his role in Trump photo op – Video
Army Gen, Milley apologizes for his role in Trump photo op – Video

Army Gen, Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, accompanied President Donald Trump during his photo op in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church last week. Law enforcement officials used tear gas and rubber bullets to remove peaceful protesters who were lawfully demonstrating nearby in Lafayette Park. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Tinder has seen a ‘lot of engagement’ amid lockdowns – VIDEO
Tinder has seen a ‘lot of engagement’ amid lockdowns – VIDEO

Tinder CEO Elie Seidman commented on the new trends: “The high level is that now more than ever, people want connection. You’ve got physical isolation, but if you’re single and you’re alone, now is perhaps the most important time.” (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

George Floyd’s Brother Testifies in House Police Brutality Hearing
George Floyd’s Brother Testifies in House Police Brutality Hearing

George Floyd’s Brother Testifies in
House Police Brutality Hearing.
Philonise Floyd appeared before Congress to
emphasize the need for reforms that will hold police
accountable for the wrongful deaths of Americans.
George called for help, and he was ignored. Please listen to the call I’m making to you now, to the calls of our family, and the calls ringing out in the streets across the world, Philonise Floyd, via committee hearing.
The House Judiciary Committee hearing will examine
“racial profiling, police brutality and lost trust between
police departments and the communities they serve.”.
Attorney Benjamin Crump also spoke, saying America
has “two systems of justice, one for white Americans,
and another for black Americans.”.
Democratic leaders introduced a police reform package on Monday, which would ban police chokeholds and require states to gather data on police misconduct

1.54 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Last Week
1.54 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Last Week

1.54 Million Americans Filed
for Unemployment Last Week.
The U.S. Labor Department
released the unemployment
numbers on Thursday.
The number of jobless claims
was just below economists’
predictions of 1.55 million claims.
1.897 million Americans
applied for unemployment
insurance the previous week.
More than 44 million Americans
have filed jobless claims in
the past three months.
Continuing claims
nearly topped 21 million.
The numbers follow the May jobs report,
which revealed that more than two million jobs
were added to the U.S. economy in May.
Initial jobless claims continued the gradual downward trend. But it is still hard to square the claims figures with the much more upbeat news on the labor market from May’s Employment Report, Capital Economics, via Yahoo Finance

Paramount Pulls ‘Cops’ Series in Wake of Protests
Paramount Pulls ‘Cops’ Series in Wake of Protests

Paramount Pulls ‘Cops’
Series in Wake of Protests.
Paramount Network recently
confirmed their decision
to cancel the long-running
reality show, ‘Cops.’.
In a statement to ‘The Hollywood Reporter,’
a network spokesperson said they had no
“current or future plans” to continue with the show.
‘Cops’ is not on the Paramount
Network and we don’t have
any current or future plans
for it to return, Paramount Network, via
‘Hollywood Reporter’.
The show was slated to begin
airing its 33rd season on June 1.
However, Paramount pulled it from
the network’s schedule due to nationwide
protests over the killing of George Floyd.
Floyd, a 46-year-old black man,
was killed by a white police
officer in Minneapolis on May 25.
‘Cops’ began airing on Paramount
Network’s forerunner, Spike TV,
in 2013, following Fox’s decision
to drop the series.
It was the longest-running reality show
on TV, having premiered on Fox in 1989

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