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LETTERS: Rubio lacks relevant experience

Rubio endorsement

I found it surprising that in endorsing Sen. Marco Rubio for Nevada's Republican presidential caucus, the Review-Journal editorial board chose charisma over competence ("For the Republican caucus," Sunday RJ). In justifying its decision, the editorial board went to great lengths describing Sen. Rubio's positions on the issues, without once attempting to explain away the fact that, without a doubt, Sen. Rubio is a career politician with zero relevant experience.

Sen. Rubio hasn't had to make and defend the kinds of decisions that affect people's daily lives. He has never accomplished anything substantive in his brief Senate career, during which he has become best known for his absenteeism, other than co-sponsoring the comprehensive immigration bill he has since disavowed. He has no experience with matters of foreign affairs or defense, while posing as an expert in both.

The RJ endorsement is especially discouraging when one considers how often contributors to this newspaper have blamed what they believe to be the "disastrous Obama administration" on President Barack Obama's lack of experience prior to being elected in 2008. There are three candidates in the field with experience as governors of major states, and their extensive experience in dealing with the kinds of problems that most voters are confronted with puts Sen. Rubio's experience to shame.

Nevada Republicans would be well-advised to ignore the RJ's advice and vote for a candidate better equipped to move this country forward.

John Henry Brebbia


Rubio no favorite

News that the Review-Journal endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio for Nevada's Republican presidential caucus comes as little surprise, since he has done nothing to earn the mantle of presidential leadership ("For the Republican caucus," Sunday RJ). Rather, in all of the debates, his recurrent theme has been not to find creative solutions to our country's problems, but to disparage President Barack Obama.

For example, Sen. Rubio has criticized President Obama's efforts to normalize U.S. relations with Cuba. It is more than ironic that Sen. Rubio, a Cuban-American, would deny the opportunity for fellow Cubans to improve their lives.

American voters should look carefully at Sen. Rubio's qualifications. He is no front-runner.

John Esperian

Las Vegas

Sanders photo

Sometimes, I think I have seen it all and that nothing surprises me anymore. So the cover of the Feb. 2 Review-Journal probably shouldn't have surprised me, but it did ("Raucous Caucus"). Was that the best possible photo of Sen. Bernie Sanders that you had on file? Hillary Clinton's picture didn't look as awful as the RJ sometimes portrays her, but Sen. Sanders looks like a madman.

Was the intention to demean Sen. Sanders and undermine his credibility to those not familiar with him, by making him look like a lunatic? If so, you succeeded. Publishing the photo was disrespectful, and I think the RJ owes readers and Sen. Sanders an apology. Does the RJ not have stock photos of all the candidates on file?

Patricia Schmitt

Las Vegas

Pedestrian safety

Officials think the speed limit on Boulder Highway should be changed because there have been too many accidents involving pedestrians. I can't believe people don't have the common sense to wear light-colored clothing in order to be better seen at night.

Here's a thought, and it's cheaper than the trouble of changing the speed limit: Have officers carry fluorescent tape, and when they stop a person for jaywalking, apply some tape to the pedestrian's sleeves. That way, the person can be seen by the poor guy driving to work or school, who then won't hit a pedestrian who made a bad decision.

Changing the speed limit won't do anything about pedestrians making bad decisions. They can still be run over at 15 mph.

Warren McCallister


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