‘Scavengers’ an exaggerated comedy full of fun

Luigi Pirandello came up with an interesting idea for a play in 1921 called “Six Characters in Search of an Author.” Wyoming playwright Jaime Cruz’s “Scavengers in the Mother of Chaos,” now at the Las Vegas Little Theatre Studio, could just as well be called “Four Characters in Search of a Play.”

Job killer


Homeowner gets foreclosure reprieve

Tyree Brown, the homeowner who complained that Wells Fargo Bank blindsided him with a foreclosure during loan modification negotiations, has won the first round in court.

Calderone powers 51s to blowout against Grizzlies

The 51s piled up nine runs over the last five innings, including two home runs from Adam Calderone in rolling past the host Fresno Grizzlies 13-7 in a Pacific Coast League game Monday night.

In Brief




Chute Scoot

Safety is key to enjoying Fourth, officials say

Whipper snappers. Sparklers. Smoke balls. Party poppers. The satisfying crack and shimmer of exploding fireworks is a Fourth of July tradition that transcends generations.