CNN wedded duo really take cake

As big wedding moments go, this was truly the icing on the cake. Awaiting the wedding party at Encore’s Society Café on Saturday was a 22-layer, 70-pound cake replica of the White House.


A story Monday about quagga mussels and New Zealand mudsnails mistakenly said mudsnails were found in Lake Tahoe. Mudsnails were found at a Lake Tahoe boat-inspection station on May 25 in the live-well of a boat from the San Francisco Bay Area. Water samples from the lake haven’t turned up mudsnails, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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Show Us Your Purse

Taylor Makakoa, onstage assistant for Terry Fator Ventriloquism in Concert at The Mirage

How to bring the indoors outdoors

The great outdoors are looking more and more like the great indoors. That’s thanks to a new trend developing in backyards all over the country that has the exterior space mimicking the interior’s. The two rooms you’re most likely to see outside? The dining room and living room.

Here & Now

In Brief

Fishing Report

LAKE MEAD — Fishing has been fair to good, with anglers landing stripers at locations all around the lake. The most productive method has been still-fishing with anchovies in the morning before it gets too hot and the winds kick up.

In Brief


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June 2010
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