Man could face death penalty in shootings, robbery, teen’s death

William “Bill” Postorino had no problem Friday identifying the man accused of killing his 15-year-old daughter in a Dec. 6 Las Vegas home invasion robbery. Postorino and defendant Norman Belcher had been friends since fifth grade.

127 charged in Mafia crackdown

NEW YORK — For nearly 30 years reputed gangster Bartolomeo Vernace got away with murder. Authorities say the double slaying in Queens was all over a spilled drink. Vernace’s luck ran out Thursday when he was charged in the killings in one of the largest Mafia takedowns in FBI history as 127 defendants named in 16 indictments in New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

Sacha Baron Cohen to play Saddam Hussein

LOS ANGELES — As if his portrayals of Borat and Bruno weren’t outrageous enough, Sacha Baron Cohen’s next role will be playing Saddam Hussein. The comic will star in and co-write “The Dictator,” scheduled for release in 2012. Paramount joked in a news release: “The film tells the heroic story of a dictator who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.”

Clooney to discuss recovery from malaria on CNN

LOS ANGELES — George Clooney has recovered from the malaria he contracted earlier this month during a visit to Sudan. It was the actor’s second bout with the disease. Clooney is set to discuss the condition and his work in Africa on Piers Morgan’s CNN show Friday. The actor says his own experience with the disease shows how proper medication can turn “the most lethal condition in Africa” into “a bad 10 days instead of a death sentence.”

Kuznetsova bounces 2010 finalist Henin

MELBOURNE, Australia — Justine Henin’s Australian Open run ended with a 6-4, 7-6 (8) loss to Svetlana Kuznetsova in the third round today, a year after the Belgian reached the final in her comeback to Grand Slam tennis.




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