Air traffic controllers propose naps, rest breaks

The air traffic controllers union is pushing a proposal that, in some instances, would allow members literally to sleep on the job.

Arguments aired over defining taverns

After nearly two hours of discussion Wednesday on what constitutes a tavern, a Las Vegas businesswoman added a bit of levity to a Gaming Control Board workshop.

Gaming firm sues Oklahoma Tribe over casino control

OKLAHOMA CITY — A Las Vegas gaming management company has sued the Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma, alleging tribal officials violated management agreements with the company when they took over control of two tribal casinos in north-central Oklahoma and barred the firm’s employees from them.

USA Today rewrites strategy to cope with Internet

McLEAN, Va. — USA Today, a newspaper created nearly 30 years ago to appeal to people who grew up watching television, is revising its formula to try to counter the Internet’s threat to its survival.

Aflac seeks new voice for its duck

NEW YORK — Aflac is opening the field to people who want to take a quack at doing the new voice of the insurer’s ever-abrasive duck mascot. Aflac Inc. will begin accepting submissions on Wednesday in the search for someone to replace Gilbert Gottfried, who was ousted last week after voicing the duck for more than 10 years after insensitive remarks about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Elizabeth Taylor had links to Las Vegas

Elizabeth Taylor never performed on the Strip, but she filmed a movie in Las Vegas, defended Michael Jackson at the MGM Grand and sang “Happy Birthday” to Roy Horn.

Judge to review Jackson records

LOS ANGELES — A judge said Tuesday he will review medical records from Michael Jackson’s longtime dermatologist before deciding whether the documents should be turned over to defense attorneys seeking to show the singer was addicted to a powerful painkiller at the time of his death.