Spring greening tips for your home

As the weather warms, are you thinking about spring cleaning? Or, maybe you’re planning to spruce up your home with some improvements and upgrades. This year, why not add “spring greening” to your home-freshening routine? If you’re looking for ways to make your home environment more earth friendly this spring, here are some ideas to consider.

Soft water: better for your home and wallet

Hard water is water that contains higher-than-normal amounts of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals cause many problems in a home, including deposits in bathtubs and sinks, spots on faucets and fixtures, and buildup that clogs plumbing and shortens the life of appliances. Soft water, on the other hand, can provide families with benefits they can literally feel and see.

How to overcome job interview jitters

High school and college graduations are just around the corner, and for many graduates, that means – gulp – it’s time to start pounding the pavement with fellow job seekers.

Fireplace inserts transform open masonry fireplaces into beautiful heat producers

Many people love their fireplaces, but if you have an open masonry wood-burning fireplace, you may want to consider updating it with a fireplace insert. Every minute they are burning, open masonry fireplaces can exhaust as much as 300 cubic feet of heated room air outside your home. hat means 18,000 cubic feet of heated air escapes your home every hour your fireplace is in use, while drawing cold air in through the windows and doors.

Celebrate the upsets this season

Any college basketball fan has seen it play out: One second left on the buzzer, the underdog shoots an incredible three-pointer and “game over!” For many, these moments are cause for celebration. Whether reflected in your picks or not, an upset changes the tone of the tournament and makes for a more exciting game with a totally unpredictable outcome.

Green ways to ‘master’ the bath

You can easily turn your master bathroom into a green retreat – without breaking the bank. By making smart, sustainable updates, you can transform your space into one that’s both eco-friendly and stylish.

Conservation tips for every family member, whatever their age

The “going green” trend may be just a few years old in America, but it’s definitely not a movement reserved for only the young. Involving all members of the family in a greener lifestyle, no matter their age, is not only a good thing to do for the environment; it can also be a great way to bond with children, parents and grandparents.