Colorado casinos save through exploiting loophole

DENVER — Many of Colorado’s casinos are avoiding hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual taxes through a loophole in the state’s gaming regulations.

In Brief


Baseball fun goes bust since ‘Kissing Bandit’ got jiggly with it

Don Logan was in Salt Lake City on Sunday night, preparing for Triple-A All-Star Game XXIV on Wednesday, when the 51s’ executive director was asked about Triple-A All-Star Game III, the one played at Cashman Field on July 11, 1990

Second wildfire on test site land is contained

Firefighters contained the last of two wildfires Monday burning on the Nevada National Security Site, the former nuclear test site 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, since July 5.

Las Vegas police moving into new facility

For the first time in its 38-year history, the Metropolitan Police Department has a place to call home.

Clip Job: Beware Photocopied and Gang-Cut Coupons

“Isn’t it wrong to scan or photocopy a coupon? I’ve been reading couponing boards and am tired of seeing people ask others to post scans or photocopies of printable coupons that aren’t available to them anymore because of print limits. Some websites seem to advocate this. The store doesn’t get reimbursed for the copies, right?”

Picky, Picky …

Despite regional differences, one thing is certain nationwide: Today’s buyers are pickier than those of a few years back, mandating their new homes be in “move-in” condition. Buyers want everything to look pristine and new so they don’t have to change anything upon moving in.

Seeking More of a Mod

I hired an attorney for $2,500 and was able to get a loan modification. I’m saving just less than $180 a month, and my rate was reduced from 6.5 percent to 4.75. I imagine your thoughts are possibly the same as mine: I’m not saving that much! I will soon have a 3-percent wage reduction at work, and my $180 monthly savings will not be of much help. How can I do better?

In Today’s Market, Tapping Equity Can Be a Smart Move

At first glance, a home equity line of credit might seem so 2006. But despite tighter post-bust lending restrictions, HELOC can be a smart borrowing option for homeowners who fit the right criteria.