Kids, seniors plead with North Las Vegas council not to cut their programs

Cash-strapped North Las Vegas, which has undergone several rounds of budget cuts and layoffs in recent years, has little left to cut. City staff recommended a plan that included laying off dozens of employees, likely leading to the closure of city recreation centers and pools. But for more than two hours Wednesday, children, teens, senior citizens and others spoke emotionally about how their lives had been enriched by such facilities.

GOP, Democrats seek legal ruling on Hispanic majority district

Lawyers for both the Republican and Democratic parties on Wednesday asked a state judge to rule first on whether Hispanics merit a majority Latino congressional district in Nevada before he appoints a special panel to draw new maps for U.S. House and Legislative seats.

Sandoval calls spin in driverless car ‘amazing’

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval got behind the wheel of a Toyota Prius on Wednesday and left the driving to a computer for a test drive through the capital and a scenic valley.

EX-Bears quarterback Jim McMahon OK after limo crash in Reno

RENO — Former NFL quarterback Jim McMahon has been released from a Nevada hospital after he was injured in a crash in a limousine on the way from Lake Tahoe to the airport.

Video shows victim smiling hours before death

MEDFORD, Ore. — Just hours before her death, Tabasha Paige-Criado looked like she didn’t have a care in the world.

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