Findlay Prep throttles Michigan squad

Dominic Artis shot 4-for-6 from 3-point range on his way to 24 points, leading Findlay Prep’s basketball team to a 100-67 rout of visiting Southwest Academy (Mich.) on Tuesday at Henderson International.

In Brief

Retired NBA point guard Kenny Anderson was charged in South Florida with leaving the scene of an accident, police said.

Taylor helps No. 14 Wisconsin hang on

MILWAUKEE — Jordan Taylor hasn’t quite been the consistent scoring threat he was expected to be for No. 14 Wisconsin early in the season.

A guide to the best ice melters for tough winters

Most homeowners reach for rock salt to clear their driveways and sidewalks during winter. It’s economical and reliable, and it easily melts ice in temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit to keep driveways and sidewalks clear and safe. But when the temperature dips lower, salt alternatives such as magnesium chloride or calcium chloride offer increased melting power. But do you know the differences between these two options?

Install a protective barrier against spyware and malware

The Internet is a great way to connect with all the fun activities you enjoy online, but how do you know that you aren’t sharing more than photos with your best friend, or receiving more than a challenge to play a game through a social networking site from your sibling?

Bed bug battles: How to keep the pests out of your home

The conflict between humans and insect pests has raged for centuries, but few battles boast the sheer make-your-skin-crawl ick factor as the war between people and bed bugs. The good news is that home and apartment owners are not without defenses in the battle against bed bugs. While the tenacious bugs have resiliency on their side, humans have modern technology and awareness in their favor.

What do you do while you’re waiting for your PC to start up?

When you turn on your PC at home, do you first flip the power button, and then go and run a load of laundry, or better yet, wash the dinner dishes while you wait for your computer to boot up? One reason your computer may take a long time to get running is because it’s trying to open several programs when your computer starts.

Tips for smooth and successful holiday travel

Planning a surprise visit to Grandma and Grandpa for the holidays or a family trip to celebrate the new year? Holiday travel can be stressful, but with some careful planning, it can be full of joy, instead of headaches. Check out these holiday travel tips to help you get through this busy time with ease.

15 cheap, kid-friendly activities for holiday vacation

Who doesn’t love a family vacation to end the year with a bang? Problem is, it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg. If you’ve already booked your travel and stay for the holidays – the hard part is over. Here’s your guide to the best cheap and free activities for your kids at the five most popular holiday destinations. Save your cash and unwind this holiday season.

Six factors to consider before installing a gas fireplace

A gas fireplace can add ambiance and warmth to any room, and with the cold weather, you might be dreaming of adding one in your home. Because purchasing a fireplace is not something we do every day, there are some important things to consider. If you have lots of questions, you’re not alone. It’s smart to do your research and get advice from the pros.