In Brief


Kings halt home woes vs. Lakers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — For Sacramento fans, just seeing their Kings on the court was a victory after all the talk of moving at the end of last season.

Abuse of wild horses targeted

RENO — The head of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in Nevada is appealing to agency employees to step up and blow the whistle on any abuse of wild horses.

New Jersey casino to job applicants: Reapply every four years

ATLANTIC CITY — When the Revel megacasino opens in May, many of its dealers, beverage servers and other customer service workers will be young, attractive and sexy.

How to have easy-blooming flower power for any size garden

Tired of winter white? Chances are you’re itching to dig in the soil and fill your garden with plants and flowers bursting with rich color and fragrance. Here are some easy ways to make your flowers bloom no matter the size of your garden.

A New Year Awaits: Resolve to Save

At this time of year, many people turn their thoughts to New Year’s resolutions and making a commitment to change. Many of us yearn for a healthier lifestyle: to eat better, to exercise more. Others focus on the topic near and dear to me: saving money.