Sears, Kmart shops targeted for closure

NEW YORK — After a disastrous holiday shopping season, the parent company of Sears and Kmart will close at least 100 stores to raise cash — a move that sparked speculation about whether the 125-year-old retailer can avoid a death spiral fed by declining sales and deteriorating stores.

In Brief


Lakers regroup, avoid 0-3 start

LOS ANGELES — Kobe Bryant scored 26 points, Pau Gasol added 22 points and nine rebounds, and the Los Angeles Lakers avoided the fourth 0-3 start in franchise history with a 96-71 victory over the Utah Jazz on Tuesday night.

Brey, Irish relish win over Pitt

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Notre Dame coach Mike Brey called his team’s victory over Pittsburgh on Tuesday one of the most fun games he has coached since coming to South Bend.

Court: Not all residents have Tahoe beach rights

CARSON CITY — Not all residents have the same privileges to access beaches owned by the Incline Village General Improvement District at Lake Tahoe, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

Nevada Guard unit helps Army stay connected

KANDAHAR AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — November mornings cast a chilly spell on this sprawling military installation.

Holiday sales rise — and so do returns

Consumers nationwide are expected to return about $46 billion worth of merchandise purchased before Christmas, according to the National Retail Federation. That’s 4 percent more than post-Christmas 2010 and 10 percent higher than in 2009.

China to cut rare-earths quota; Molycorp touted as strong supplier

BEIJING — China announced a cut Tuesday in its rare earths export quota as it tries to shore up sagging prices for the exotic metals used in mobile phones and other high-tech goods.

GOLF briefs

Restaurant Report

Tax resolutions for the new year

It might be coincidental that the new year and the beginning of tax season arrive so close together. Many people resolve to be wiser with their money in the new year, and it just so happens that being smart about your taxes is a good way to get started.